ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
In This Topic
    FlexGridPdfConverter Class
    In This Topic

    Provides a functionality to export the FlexGrid to PDF.

    The example below shows how you can use a FlexGridPdfConverter to export a FlexGrid to PDF:

    {@sample Grid/ImportExportPrint/PDF/ExportToFile/purejs Example}




    Static draw
    draw(flex: any, doc: PdfDocument, width?: number, height?: number, settings?: IFlexGridDrawSettings): void

    Draws the FlexGrid to an existing PdfDocument at the (0, @wijmo.pdf.PdfDocument.y) coordinates.

    If both, **width** and **height** are determined, then grid will be scaled to fit the specified rectangle without any page breaks. If only **width** is specifed, then grid will be scaled to fit the width, breaking into pages vertically as needed. Otherwise grid will be rendered in actual size, breaking into pages as needed.

    var doc = new wijmo.pdf.PdfDocument({
       ended: function (sender, args) {
          wijmo.pdf.saveBlob(args.blob, 'FlexGrid.pdf');
    wijmo.grid.pdf.FlexGridPdfConverter.draw(grid, doc, null, null, {
       maxPages: 10,
       styles: {
          cellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
             borderColor: '#c6c6c6'
          headerCellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#eaeaea'

    The width of the drawing area in points.

    The height of the drawing area in points.

    The draw settings.


    Static drawToPosition

    drawToPosition(flex: any, doc: wijmo.pdf.PdfDocument, point: Point, width?: number, height?: number, settings?: IFlexGridDrawSettings): void

    Draws the FlexGrid to an existing PdfDocument instance at the specified coordinates.

    If both, **width** and **height** are determined, then grid will be scaled to fit the specified rectangle without any page breaks. If only **width** is specified, then grid will be scaled to fit the width without any page breaks. Othwerwise grid will be rendered in actual size without any page breaks.

    var doc = new wijmo.pdf.PdfDocument({
       ended: function (sender, args) {
          wijmo.pdf.saveBlob(args.blob, 'FlexGrid.pdf');
    wijmo.grid.pdf.FlexGridPdfConverter.drawToPosition(grid, doc, new wijmo.Point(0, 0), null, null, {
       maxPages: 10,
       styles: {
          cellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
             borderColor: '#c6c6c6'
          headerCellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#eaeaea'
    • flex: any

      The FlexGrid instance to export.

    • doc: wijmo.pdf.PdfDocument

      The PdfDocument instance to draw in.

    • point: Point

      The position to draw at, in points.

    • width: number Optional

      The width of the drawing area in points.

    • height: number Optional

      The height of the drawing area in points.

    • settings: IFlexGridDrawSettings Optional

      The draw settings.


    Static export

    export(flex: FlexGrid, fileName: string, settings?: IFlexGridExportSettings): void

    Exports the FlexGrid to PDF.

    wijmo.grid.pdf.FlexGridPdfConverter.export(grid, 'FlexGrid.pdf', {
       scaleMode: wijmo.grid.pdf.ScaleMode.PageWidth,
       maxPages: 10,
       styles: {
          cellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
             borderColor: '#c6c6c6'
          headerCellStyle: {
             backgroundColor: '#eaeaea'
       documentOptions: {
          info: {
             title: 'Sample'