Name | Value | Description |
Visible | 1 |
The row or column is visible. |
AllowResizing | 2 |
The row or column can be resized. |
AllowDragging | 4 |
The row or column can be dragged to a new position with the mouse. |
AllowMerging | 8 |
The row or column can contain merged cells. |
AllowSorting | 16 |
The column can be sorted by clicking its header with the mouse. |
AutoGenerated | 32 |
The column was generated automatically. |
Collapsed | 64 |
The group row is collapsed. |
ParentCollapsed | 128 |
The row has a parent group that is collapsed. |
Selected | 256 |
The row or column is selected. |
ReadOnly | 512 |
The row or column is read-only (cannot be edited). |
HtmlContent | 1024 |
Cells in this row or column contain HTML text. |
WordWrap | 2048 |
Cells in this row or column may contain wrapped text. |
MultiLine | 4096 |
Cells in this row or column may contain wrapped text. |
HasTemplate | 8192 |
Cells in this column have templates. |
RowDefault | Visible | AllowResizing |
Default settings for new rows. |
ColumnDefault | Visible | AllowDragging | AllowResizing | AllowSorting |
Default settings for new columns. |
Specifies flags that represent the state of a grid row or column.