Represents arguments of the IFlexGridDrawSettings.formatItem callback.
constructor(p: any /*_IGridPanel*/, rng: any /*_ICellRange*/, cell: HTMLElement, canvas: PdfPageArea, clientRect: Rect, contentRect: Rect, style: ICellStyle, getFormattedCell?: (), getTextRect?: ()): PdfFormatItemEventArgs
Initializes a new instance of the PdfFormatItemEventArgs class.
GridPanel that contains the range.
Range of cells affected by the event.
Element that represents the grid cell to be rendered.
Canvas to perform the custom painting on.
Object that represents the client rectangle of the grid cell to be rendered in canvas coordinates.
Object that represents the content rectangle of the grid cell to be rendered in canvas coordinates.
Object that represents the style of the grid cell to be rendered.
Callback function that should return the grid cell when the getFormattedCell method is called.
Callback function that should return the text rectangle of the grid cell to be rendered in canvas coordinates.
Gets or sets a value that indicates that default cell borders drawing should be canceled.
Gets the canvas to perform the custom painting on.
Gets a reference to the element that represents the grid cell being rendered. If IFlexGridDrawSettings.customCellContent is set to true then contains reference to the element that represents the formatted grid cell; otherwise, a null value.
Gets or sets the data associated with the event.
Gets an object that represents the style of the cell being rendered. If IFlexGridDrawSettings.customCellContent is set to true then the style is inferred from the cell style; othwerwise it contains a combination of the IFlexGridDrawSettings.styles export setting, according to the row type of exported cell.
Gets or sets a reference to a marked structure content of the cell.
If user produces Tagged PDF and draws the cell content manually, then he can mark the cell content and return a reference to the structure content via this property. The returned item will be incorporated into the document's structure tree.
For example:
args.tagContent = args.canvas.beginTagContent(wijmo.pdf.PdfTagType.P); args.canvas.drawText('Some text', x, y); args.canvas.endTagContent();
Gets the value that represents the top position of the text of the cell being rendered in canvas coordinates.
drawBackground(brush?: Color | string): void
Draws the background of the cell with the specified brush or color, or, if it is not specified, with the value of the backgroundColor property.
The brush or color to use.
getFormattedCell(): HTMLElement
Returns a reference to the element that represents the grid cell being rendered. This method is useful when export of custom formatting is disabled, but you need to export custom content for certain cells.