constructor(treeView: TreeView, nodeElement: HTMLElement): TreeNode
Initializes a new instance of a TreeNode.
TreeView that contains the node.
HTML element that represents the node on the TreeView.
Gets the HTMLInputElement that represents the checkbox associated with this node.
Gets a value that indicates whether this node has pending child nodes that will be lazy-loaded when the node is expanded.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether this node is checked.
When the value of this property changes, child and ancestor nodes are automatically updated, and the parent TreeView's checkedItemsChanged event is raised.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether this node is expanded or collapsed.
Gets or sets a value that determines whether this node is disabled.
Disabled nodes cannot get mouse or keyboard events.
If the collapseWhenDisabled proprety is set to true, disabling a node also collapses it.
Gets the array that contains the items for this TreeNode.
This property is read-only. It returns an array that is a member of the parent TreeView's itemsSource array.
Gets an array containing this node's child nodes.
This property returns null if the node has no children.
Gets this node's parent node.
This property returns null for top-level nodes.
addChildNode(index: number, dataItem: any): TreeNode
Adds a child node at a specific position.
Index of the new child node.
Data item used to create the new node.
ensureVisible(): void
Ensures that a node is visible by expanding any collapsed ancestors and scrolling the element into view.
equals(node: TreeNode): boolean
Checks whether this node refers to the same element as another node.
@TreeNode to compare with this one.
move(refNode: any, position: DropPosition): boolean
Reference TreeNode that defines the location where the node will be moved.
Whether to move the node before, after, or into the reference node.
next(visible?: boolean, enabled?: boolean): TreeNode
Gets a reference to the next node in the view.
Whether to return only visible nodes (whose ancestors are not collapsed).
Whether to return only enabled nodes (whose ancestors are not disabled).
nextSibling(): TreeNode
Gets a reference to the next sibling node in the view.
previous(visible?: boolean, enabled?: boolean): TreeNode
Gets a reference to the previous node in the view.
Whether to return only visible nodes (whose ancestors are not collapsed).
Whether to return only enabled nodes (whose ancestors are not disabled).
previousSibling(): TreeNode
Gets a reference to the previous sibling node in the view.
refresh(dataItem?: any): void
Refreshes a node to reflect data changes.
New node data. If not provided, the node is refreshed based on its original data item (which presumably has been updated).
setChecked(checked: boolean, updateParent?: boolean): void
Sets the checked state of this node and its children.
Whether to check or uncheck the node and its children.
Whether to update the checked state of this node's ancestor nodes.
setCollapsed(collapsed: boolean, animate?: boolean, collapseSiblings?: boolean): void
Sets the collapsed state of the node.
Whether to collapse or expand the node.
Whether to use animation when applying the new state.
Whether to collapse sibling nodes when expanding this node.
Class that represents a node in a TreeView.