attachTo(dashboard: DashboardLayout): void
Applies this layout to the specified DashboardLayout control.
In this method, the layout is applied to some dashboard. Adds the codes to implement the rendering parts for the layout.
A DashboardLayout control which the layout is applied to.
detach(): void
Detaches this layout from the DashboardLayout control.
In this method, the resources related will be released. It is often used when applying the new layout. It is called to detach the old layout.
endMove(movedTile: Tile, endPosition: Point): void
Ends the moving operation and exits the moving mode.
move(movedTile: Tile, position: Point): void
Moves the tile.
Adds the codes in this method to do somethings during moving. For example, creates a special moving icon represeting the moving tile, shows some tips for moving.
The tile to be moved.
The position of the moving mouse. It is the coordinate within the browser visible area.
refresh(fullUpdate): void
Refreshes the layout.
When the layout properties are changed, especially the items are updated, this method should be called to redraw the layout.
Whether to update the layout as well as the content.
remove(removedTile: Tile): boolean
Removes the tile.
The tile to be removed.
resize(resizedTile: Tile, toPosition: Point): boolean
Resizes the tile.
Adds the codes to implement resizing in this method.
The tile to be resized.
The position where the tile is resized to. It is the coordinate within the browser visible area.
startMove(movedTile: Tile, startPosition: Point): boolean
Starts to move the tile.
Adds the codes in this method to prepare the moving. For example, saves the start moving position, the moving tile.
The tile to be moved.
The started position where the tile will be moved from. It is the coordinate within the browser visible area.
Defines the interface for the layout.
We can define the layout by implementing this interface.