ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
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    PdfWebWorkerClient Class
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    Represents client-side methods for exporting FlexGrid to PDF/generating PDF, for use with Web Worker.


    Static addGrid

    addGrid(worker: Worker, grid: FlexGrid, name: string, settings?: IFlexGridDrawSettings): void

    Adds named FlexGrid with settings, which will be used in a Web Worker to generate a PDF document. This method should be used in conjunction with the export method.

    • worker: Worker

      The Web Worker instance to send the data to.

    • grid: FlexGrid

      The grid

    • name: string

      The name associated with the grid.

    • settings: IFlexGridDrawSettings Optional

      The draw settings.


    Static addImage

    addImage(worker: Worker, image: string, name: string, settings?: IPdfImageDrawSettings): void

    Adds named image with settings, which will be used in a Web Worker to generate a PDF document. This method should be used in conjunction with the export method.

    • worker: Worker

      The Web Worker instance to send the data to.

    • image: string

      A string containing the URL to get the image from or the data URI containing a base64 encoded image.

    • name: string

      The name associated with the image.

    • settings: wijmo.pdf.IPdfImageDrawSettings Optional

      The image drawing settings.


    Static addString

    addString(worker: Worker, value: string, name: string): void

    Adds named string which will be used in a Web Worker code to generate a PDF document. This method should be used in conjunction with the export method.

    • worker: Worker

      The Web Worker instance to send the data to.

    • value: string

      The value.

    • name: string

      The name associated with the string.


    Static export

    export(worker: Worker, settings: any, done?: (args: PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs), progress?: (value: number)): void

    Exports PDF in a background thread.

    • worker: Worker

      The Web Worker instance to run the exporting code in.

    • settings: any

      An object containing PdfDocument's initialization settings.

    • done: (args: PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs) Optional

      The callback function to call when drawing is done. The function takes a single parameter, an instance of the PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs class.

    • progress: (value: number) Optional

      An optional function that gives feedback about the progress of the export. The function takes a single parameter, a number changing from 0.0 to 1.0, where the value of 0.0 indicates that the operation has just begun and the value of 1.0 indicates that the operation has completed.


    Static exportGrid

    exportGrid(worker: Worker, grid: FlexGrid, fileName: string, settings?: IFlexGridExportSettings, done?: (args: PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs), progress?: (value: number)): void

    Exports the FlexGrid to PDF in a background thread.

    • worker: Worker

      The Web Worker instance to run the exporting code in.

    • grid: FlexGrid

      The FlexGrid instance to export.

    • fileName: string

      The name of the file to export.

    • settings: IFlexGridExportSettings Optional

      The export settings.

    • done: (args: PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs) Optional

      An optional callback function to call when exporting is done. The function takes a single parameter, an instance of the PdfWebWorkerExportDoneEventArgs class. To prevent the creation of a file the function should return False.

    • progress: (value: number) Optional

      An optional function that gives feedback about the progress of the export. The function takes a single parameter, a number changing from 0.0 to 1.0, where the value of 0.0 indicates that the operation has just begun and the value of 1.0 indicates that the operation has completed.


    Static serializeGrid

    serializeGrid(grid: FlexGrid, settings?: IFlexGridExportSettings): ArrayBuffer

    Serializes the FlexGrid to ArrayBuffer. The serialized data can be send to a Web Worker using the postMessage method.
