ASP.NET MVC Controls | ComponentOne
Working with Controls / FlexChart / Work with FlexChart / Plot Areas
In This Topic
    Plot Areas
    In This Topic

    In FlexChart, you can create different plot areas for different series within a single chart area. This increases the viewability of data by displaying each series in a separate plot area across one axis, keeping other axis fixed.   

    The following image displays a chart that consists of three plot areas across Y axis:

    Three plot areas across Y axis in the FlexChart

    The following code example demonstrates how to create plot areas in FlexChart. This example uses the sample created in the Quick Start section.

    Copy Code
    @using C1MvcWebAppPlotAreas.Models 
    @model IEnumerable<FruitSale>
        var flexChart;
        c1.documentReady(function () {
            flexChart = wijmo.Control.getControl('#flexChart');
            addPlotArea(0, "plot1", { fill: 'rgba(136,189,230,0.2)' }, null);
            addPlotArea(1, "div1",null, 20);
            addPlotArea(2, "plot2", { fill: 'rgba(136,189,230,0.2)' }, null);
            addPlotArea(3, "div2", null, 20);
            addPlotArea(4, "plot3", { fill: 'rgba(136,189,230,0.2)' }, null);
            flexChart.series[1].axisY.plotArea = flexChart.plotAreas.getPlotArea('plot2');
            flexChart.series[2].axisY.plotArea = flexChart.plotAreas.getPlotArea('plot3');
        function addPlotArea(row, name, style, height) {
            var plotArea = new wijmo.chart.PlotArea();
            plotArea.row = row;
   = name;
            if (style) {
       = style;
            if (height) {
                plotArea.height = height;
        .AxisX(axis => axis.Title("Date"))
        .Series(sers =>
            sers.Add().Binding("SalesInUSA").Name("Sales In USA");
            sers.Add().Binding("SalesInJapan").Name("Sales In Japan").AxisY(axis =>
            sers.Add().Binding("SalesInChina").Name("Sales In China").AxisY(axis =>