In This Topic
Following are some of the main features of Excel, you might find useful:
- Save or Load a Workbook with One Command:
Use a single command to load or save a workbook and manipulate sheets.
- No Need for Microsoft Excel:
Read and write XLS (Excel 97 and later) and XLSX (OpenXml format) files without a dependency on Microsoft Excel.
- Total Microsoft Excel Compatibility:
Just set one property, C1XLBook.CompatibilityMode, to specify which version of Microsoft Excel you want your workbooks to be compatible with. There are three options: Excel2003 (allows up to 64k rows and 256 columns), Excel2007 (up to 1 million rows and 18k columns), and NoLimits.
- Format Data:
Format cells to ensure that end-users enter correct data. The format associated with each cell is as easy to access as the data stored in the cell.
- Cell Formulas:
The XLCell.Formula property allows you to specify a formula for the cell.
- Grouping and Subtotals:
Calculate subtotals for rows and columns. Declare outline level grouping in code to best display totals and subtotals.