Working with Controls / Input Controls / MultiSelect / Work with MultiSelect / MultiSelect Bound to an Array of Objects
MultiSelect Bound to an Array of Objects

The MultiSelect control can be customized to display a list of custom objects in the dropdown. This is accomplished by by binding it with a collection of objects using DisplayMemberPath, SelectedValuePath, and CheckedMemberPath properties.
The following image shows a MultiSelect control bound to a collection of Products from a local NorthWind database file C1NWind.mdf.

The following code examples demonstrate how to bind a Multi-select control to a collection of objects:

In Code


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private C1NWindEntities db = new C1NWindEntities();
public ActionResult ComplexType()
    return View(db);


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@model C1NWindEntities

    <label>MultiSelect bound to an array of objects:</label>

    <c1-multi-select display-member-path="ProductName" selected-value-path="ProductID" checked-member-path="Discontinued">
        <c1-items-source source-collection="Model.Products" />

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