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DashboardLayout provides various features that enable the developers to build intuitive and professional-looking dashboards. The main features for DashboardLayout are as follows:
- Use different layouts
DashboardLayout provides four types of layouts, namely Flow, AutoGrid, ManualGrid and Split. These layouts specify the arrangement of the tiles in different ways on the DashboardLayout control.
- Tile headers
DashboardLayout control provides a header for each tile, which displays a caption and provides options to maximize/restore or show/hide the tiles.
- Drag and drop tiles
DashboardLayout allows you to drag and drop a tile using two methods; crosshair icon and tool-icon. The crosshair appears when you hover the mouse over the tile header. As an alternative, you can also use the tool-icon to perform the drag drop operation by holding the cursor on the tool-icon.
- Maximize/Restore Tiles
DashboardLayout control's header provides a maximize/restore icon, which is used to maximize or restore the display state of the tile.
- Perform multiple functions with ToolIcon
DashboardLayout provides a multi functional tool called Tool-icon, which appears as an icon in the header or on the surface of the tile on hovering the mouse over it. It can be used to drag and drop the tiles. Moreover, tool-icon provides a context menu with options to hide a tile or show all the tiles.
- Serialization/Deserialization
DashboardLayout offers XML serialization by providing the functionality to save the layout properties of the control to an XML file or stream and load them from another XML file or stream.