Controls / FlexGrid / Cells / Selecting Cells
Selecting Cells

FlexGrid supports selection through the SelectionMode property of the FlexGrid class. This property determines how the cell or rows are selected in grid. The SelectionMode property sets the selection behavior through GridSelectionMode enumeration. This enumeration specifies the following values to define the selection behavior:

Selection Mode Image Description
Single Cell Selection

Single Cell Selection

Cell selection allows you to select a single cell and perform data operations like copy, paste, print etc.
Cell Range Selection

Cell Range Selection

Cell range selection allows you to select multiple cells using the mouse while holding Shift key.
Single Row Selection

Single Row Selection

Row selection option allows you to select a single row from the grid and perform operations.
Row Range Selection

Row Range Selection

RowRange selection allows you to select multiple rows using the mouse while holding Shift key.
Column Selection

Column Selection

Column selection allows you to select a set of contiguous columns.
ColumnRange Selection

ColumnRange Selection

ColumnRange selection allows you to select a set of contiguous columns.
MultiRange Selection

MultiRange Selection

MultiRange selection allows you to select a set of collection of ranges.
ListBox Selection

ListBox Selection

ListBox selection allows you to select non-contiguous rows by ctrl+clicking.
MultiColumns Selection

MultiColumns Selection

MultiColumn selection allows you to select non-contiguous rows by ctrl+clicking.

The following example demonstrates how to set the selection mode in FlexGrid. This example uses the Customer.cs class available in the BlazorExplorer product sample.

Copy Code
@page "/"
@using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
@using C1.Blazor.Grid

<FlexGrid ItemsSource="@customers" SelectionMode="GridSelectionMode.MultiRange"></FlexGrid>
@code {
    ObservableCollection<Customer> customers;
    protected override void OnInitialized()
        customers = Customer.GetCustomerList(10);