Controls / Input Controls / NumericBox / Locking Numeric Box
Locking Numeric Box

You can lock the NumericBox control using IsReadOnly and IsEnabled properties of C1NumericBox class. You can set IsReadOnly property to true to make the Numeric Box uneditable. Similarly, you can set the IsEnable property to False to disable editing in the Numeric Box as shown in the below image.

NumericBox after setting IsEnable property to true.

The following code example demonstrates locking the C1NumericBox control.

Copy Code
    <C1NumericBox Format="##,###.##" IsReadOnly="true" Placeholder="Any Text" Style="@_c1Style" TNumeric="double?" Value="999999.99"></C1NumericBox>
    <br /><br />
    <C1NumericBox Format="##,###.##" IsEnabled="false" Placeholder="Any Text" Style="@_c1Style" TNumeric="double?" Value="999999.99"></C1NumericBox>