Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Getting Started / Working with the Component / Understanding Parts of the Component Interface
Understanding Parts of the Component Interface

The generated Spread component interface is made up of the tool bars (which can appear above and below the spreadsheet) and the sheet that displays the data. The figure below shows the major parts of the component interface that can be customized.

Parts of the Control

More information about the component is available in Customizing the Appearance of the Overall Component and Customizing Interaction with the Overall Component.

The command bar, the optional page navigation bar, and the scroll bars are described in more detail in Customizing the Tool Bars.

The row and column headers, considered part of the sheet, are described in more detail in Customizing the Appearance of Headers.

For more information on the data area, including the sheet, the rows and columns, and the cells, refer to Customizing the Appearance of the Sheet, Customizing the Appearance of Rows and Columns, and Customizing the Appearance of a Cell.