Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Working with the Chart Control / Creating Charts / Using the Chart Control in Spread / Selecting the Chart Control in Spread
In This Topic
    Selecting the Chart Control in Spread
    In This Topic

    You can select the Chart control at design time in the Spread Designer or at run time.

    At design time or run time you can select the chart by clicking on it with the mouse.

    At run time the user cannot move or resize the chart if the CanSelect property has been set to false. The ActiveChart property can be used to programmatically select a chart.

    You can specify the order in which the charts are displayed with the ZIndex property.

    The default selected border is a red, solid border with a width of one pixel. You can change this by setting the SelectedCssClass property.

    Using Code

    Set the CanSelect property in the SpeadChart class.


    The following example sets the CanSelect property.

    Copy Code
    FarPoint.Web.Spread.Chart.SpreadChart chart = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.Chart.SpreadChart;
    chart.Model = model;
    chart.CanSelect = true;
    Copy Code
    Dim chart As New FarPoint.Web.Spread.Chart.SpreadChart()
    chart.Model = model
    chart.CanSelect = True