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Freezing Rows and Columns

Frozen rows and frozen columns do not scroll when the user uses the scroll bar or navigation keys in the component. This is useful if you need information in non-header rows or columns to stay visible regardless of where in the sheet the user navigates. Frozen rows and frozen columns are supported with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla Firefox when the FpSpread EnableClientScript property is true.

Using the Properties Window

  1. At design time, in the Properties window, select the FpSpread component.

  2. Select the Sheets property.

  3. Click the button to display the SheetView Collection Editor.

  4. In the Appearance section, set the number of frozen rows or columns using FrozenRowCount or FrozenColumnCount.

  5. Click OK to close the SheetView Collection Editor.

Using a Shortcut

Set the FrozenColumnCount or FrozenRowCount property in the sheet of the component.


This example code sets FrozenColumnCount and FrozenRowCount.

FpSpread1.Sheets[0].FrozenColumnCount = 2;
FpSpread1.Sheets[0].FrozenRowCount = 1;
FpSpread1.Sheets(0).FrozenColumnCount = 2
FpSpread1.Sheets(0).FrozenRowCount = 1

Using the Spread Designer

  1. Select Sheet from the drop-down combo box to the right of the designer.

  2. In the Appearance section, set the number for FrozenColumnCount or FrozenRowCount.

  3. From the File menu choose Apply and Exit to apply your changes to the component and exit Spread Designer.

See Also

EnableClientScript Property