Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Working with the Chart Control / Understanding and Customizing Charts / Legends
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    The legend contains identifiers for each of the data series. The legend area can contain legend items, a background, and borders. The legend area is positioned using a relative location (where (0,0) = the left upper corner of the chart and (1,1) = the right lower corner of the chart) and a relative alignment (where (0,0) = the left upper corner of the label area and (1,1) = the right lower corner of the label area).

    See the following for more information on how to set properties for the legend:

    Using Code

    Use the Location, AlignmentX, and AlignmentY properties in the legend area classes to set the legend.


    The following example sets properties for the legend.

    Copy Code
    LegendArea legend = new LegendArea();
    legend.Location = new PointF(0.98f, 0.5f);
    legend.AlignmentX = 1.0f;
    legend.AlignmentY = 0.5f;
    Copy Code
    Dim legend As New FarPoint.Web.Chart.LegendArea()
    legend.Location = New PointF(0.98F, 0.5F)
    legend.AlignmentX = 1.0F
    legend.AlignmentY = 0.5F

    Using the Chart Designer

    1. Select the Legend Area Collection editor.
    2. Set the properties as needed.
    3. Select Apply and OK to close the Chart Designer.