Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Members / Methods / GetHiddenCellValue
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Gets the value of a programmatically hidden cell at the specified row and column.



var ret = FpSpread1.GetHiddenCellValue(rowName,columnName);


String, name of the row
String, name of the column

Return Type

String, with the value of the cell


This method is for use with a displayed spreadsheet, on the client, that may have hidden columns or rows. Both the rowName and columnName string must be valid. For example, the column name could be the default letter designations (A, B, etc.), alternative designation of numbers (1, 2, etc.), the name of a data table column or bound field, or a custom name (such as Total). The AllowGetAllHiddenValue property can be set to determine whether to check the page or a sheet.


This is a sample that contains the method. On the client side, the script that contains the method would look like this:

Copy Code
<script type="text/javascript">
   function getHValue() {
       var hval = FpSpread1.GetHiddenCellValue("1","D");
       alert("Value in Column D is " + hval);
See Also