Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Overview / Developing a Custom HTC File / Formatting Percent Value on the Client
In This Topic
    Formatting Percent Value on the Client
    In This Topic

    This example demonstrates how to format text on the client by creating a custom cell type. This shows how to create the client-side script file for the custom cell type that renders the cell on the client.

    The following code for the ASPX page creates a custom cell type and uses a custom percentrender.htc script file and a custom percenteditor.htc script file to implement client-side formatting. The Spread control installs percenteditor and percentrender htc files in the client scripting folder that are different from the following examples.

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    public class PercentCellType : GeneralCellType {
      public PercentCellType() { }
      public override string Format(object value) {
        if (value!=null) return value.ToString()+"%";
        else return null;
      public override object Parse(string value) {
        if (value==null || value==string.Empty) return null;
        else {
          value = value.Replace("%", "");
          try {
            double d = double.Parse(value);
            return d;
          } catch {
            return null;
      public override Control PaintCell(string id, TableCell parent, Appearance style, Inset margin, object val, bool upperLevel) {
        if (upperLevel)
          parent.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("behavior", "url("+parent.ResolveUrl("percentrender.htc")+")");
             return base.PaintCell(id, parent, style, margin, val, upperLevel);
      public override string ValidateEditorValue(object val) {
        string reason = null;
        if (val!=null && val.ToString().Length>0) {
           string strVal = val.ToString().Replace("%", "");
           try {
           } catch {
              reason = "input error";
        return reason;
      public override string EditorClientScriptUrl { get { return "percenteditor.htc"; } }

    The following is the listing of the percenteditor.htc file.

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      <PUBLIC:METHOD NAME="isValid">
    <SCRIPT language="javascript">
      function isValid(val) {
        if (val!=null) {
          val = val.replace("%", "");
          if (isNaN(val))
            return "Please enter a number";
          return "";

    The following is the listing of the percentrender.htc file.

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    <SCRIPT language="javascript">
      function getValue() {
        return element.innerText;
      function setValue(val) {
        if (val!=null && val!="") {
          val = val.replace(" ", "");
          val = val.replace("%", "");
          element.innerText = val+"%";
        } else {
            element.innerHTML = " ";
