Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Overview / Some Simple Uses of Client Scripting / Doing a Quick Validation Before Postback
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    Doing a Quick Validation Before Postback
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    You can use client-side scripting in Spread to get the Update button and map your own click event for it. This allows you to perform client-side validations before the data gets posted to the server. If it succeeds, then the Update postback occurs. The following code sets up this validation.

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    <script language="javascript">
      function window.onload()
        var updbtn = FpSpread1.all("FpSpread1_Update");
        updbtn.onclick = test;
      function test()
          _doPostBack(FpSpread1.id, "Update");

    This example checks to see if cell A1 is greater than 3.

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    <script language="javascript">
      window.onload = function ()
                var updbtn = FpSpread1.all("FpSpread1_Update");
                updbtn.onclick = test;
            function test()
                if (FpSpread1.GetValue(0, 0) > 3)