Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Members / Classes / TouchStrip
In This Topic
    In This Topic

    The client-side TouchStrip class contains the following members.

    Constructor Description
    public TouchStrip() Creates a new instance of the touch strip that represents the touch menu bar
    public TouchStrip(htmlTouchStrip: HTMLElement) Creates a new instance of the touch strip that represents the touch menu bar


    Property Description
    public TouchStripItem[] Items {get;} Provides access to the items list of a touch strip
    public TouchStripShowingArea Area {get;} Gets the TouchStripShowingArea where the touch strip is displayed
    public FpSpread Spread {get;} Gets the Spread which owns the current touch strip
    public ToolStripDropDown DroppedDownMenu {get;} Gets the current active child menu


    Method Description
    public bool Show(x: number, y: number, spread: IFpSpread); Shows the Spread touch strip at the specified location. Returns true if the touch strip is displayed; otherwise, false
    public bool Show(x: number, y: number, spread: IFpSpread, area: TouchStripShowingArea); Displays the Spread touch strip at the specified location. Returns true if the touch strip is displayed; otherwise, false
    public void Hide(); Hides the touch strip
    public HTMLElement Refresh(); Updates the generated HTML of the touch strip menu
    public void AddEventListener(string eventName, EventListener listener) Registers an event listener on the event target object
    public void RemoveEventListener(string eventName, EventListener listener) Unregisters an event listener on the event target object
    public void OnItemClick(Event event) Occurs when the user clicks into an enabled menu item
    public void Refresh() Updates the generated HTML of the ToolStripDropDown menu


    Event Description
    public event Clicked(TouchStripItemClickedEventArgs); Occurs when the Spread TouchStrip item is selected


    This is a sample that creates a touch strip. On the client side, the script would look like this:

    Copy Code

    <script type="text/javascript">

    window.onload = function () {
        var spread = document.getElementById("FpSpread1");
            spread.addEventListener("TouchStripOpening", function (e) {
                var touchStrip = new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStrip();
                touchStrip.Items.push(new FarPoint.Web.Spread.TouchStripItem("Test"));
                touchStrip.Show(e.X, e.Y, e.Spread, e.Area);
                e.Handled = true;
                touchStrip.AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //global touch strip event
                touchStrip.Items[0].AddEventListener("Clicked", function (e) { //touch strip item event
                    alert("menu item");
