Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Overview / Some Simple Uses of Client Scripting / Finding the Cell Under the Cursor
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    Finding the Cell Under the Cursor
    In This Topic

    You can use client-side scripting to return which cell the mouse is over in the onmousemove or onmousehover events. This example changes the background color of the cell to red.

    Copy Code
    <script language="javascript">
      window.onload = function (){
        FpSpread1.onmousemove = test;
      function test() {
        var col = event.srcElement.cellIndex;
        var row = event.srcElement.parentElement.rowIndex - 1;
        //we have a hidden row used for internal use
        if((!isNaN(col)) && (!isNaN(row)) && (0<=row) && (row<FpSpread1.GetRowCount())) {
          var cell = FpSpread1.GetCellByRowCol(row,col);
          cell.style.backgroundColor = "red";