Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Client-Side Scripting Reference / Scripting Overview / Some Simple Uses of Client Scripting / Retrieving the Text in Headers
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    Retrieving the Text in Headers
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    You can use client-side scripting in Spread to retrieve the text from the headers using code similar to this example. The following code gets the text on the client side.

    Copy Code
    <script language="javascript">
      function retheadtext() {
        var span = FpSpread1.all("FpSpread1_colHeader");
        var table = span.firstChild;
        var tr = table.rows(0);
        alert("Text in column header 3 is " + tr.cells(2).innerText);
        span = FpSpread1.all("FpSpread1_rowHeader");
        table = span.firstChild;
        alert("Text in row header 2 is " + table.rows(1).cells(0).innerText);
        // We have one hidden row on the client to account for