Spread ASP.NET 18
Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Working with the Spread Designer / Understanding the Spread Designer Interface / Spread Designer Editors / Cells, Columns, and Rows Editor
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    Cells, Columns, and Rows Editor
    In This Topic

    You can customize the appearance of cells, columns or rows with the Cells, Columns, or Rows Editor of the Spread Designer. This editor is launched from the Properties window by selecting sheet in the drop-down box on the right side of the designer and then clicking on the button for the Cells, Columns, or Rows property.

    Spread Designer Cells,Columns,Rows Editor

    For more information about customizing the appearance of cells, refer to Customizing the Appearance of a Cell. For more information on rows and columns, refer to Customizing the Appearance of Rows and Columns.