Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Import and Export Reference / Excel-Formatted File Export / Row and Column Settings Exported
Row and Column Settings Exported

The following table summarizes how the row and column settings are handled when Spread exports to an Excel-formatted file. In most cases Excel uses the Spread setting.

Spread Property How the Setting is Exported
ColumnHeaderVisible This setting is exported only if RowHeaderVisible has the same setting.
Columns.Visible The column is displayed or hidden in Excel according to this setting.
Columns.Width The column width for each individual column in Excel is set according to this setting.
FrozenColumnCount This setting is exported.
FrozenRowCount This setting is exported.
RowHeaderVisible This setting is exported only if ColumnHeaderVisible has the same setting.
Rows.Height The height for each individual row in Excel is set according to this setting.
Rows.Visible The row is displayed or hidden in Excel according to this setting.

Row or Column Quantity

Since Spread supports up to two billion rows and two billion columns on any sheet, and Excel supports less than this, only the number of rows and columns that Excel can handle is exported.