You can quickly customize a spreadsheet component using the Spread Designer. Whether you are prototyping a complete spreadsheet component or simply customizing some aspect of your spreadsheet component, the dedicated graphical interface offers many features to save time and effort. It also provides a way for you to add data to and set properties for the component easily, including properties that are not available at design time in Visual Studio. You can set both design-time and run-time properties. In most cases you can preview changes before applying them to the spreadsheet.
The Spread Designer requires Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or higher.
The Spread Designer creates a snapshot of the spreadsheet component. Once all the changes are made, you apply the changes to the spreadsheet component on your form. You can also open files from within Spread Designer and save your design as a file.
Throughout the rest of the documentation, where there is a procedure that could be done in code or in the Spread Designer, a brief procedure for using Spread Designer is given. Because Spread Designer has so many features, a topic dedicated to the designer is given here. This topic provides information about general tasks specific to the designer and about the designer user interface in general. It is not a comprehensive explanation of all the dialogs within the Spread Designer.
The following topics provide information about using Spread Designer: