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Sheet Settings Exported

The following table summarizes how the sheet settings are handled when Spread exports to an Excel-formatted file.

Spread Property

How the Setting is Exported


The background color is set for Excel using the same precedence that Spread uses (cell, row, column, spreadsheet). The background color for alternating rows is not exported, unless the ExcelSaveFlag.SaveAlternatingRowStyles option is used. (Refer to Colors Exported.)


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses..


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The font settings are applied to the cell, the row, the column, and the spreadsheet for Excel, using the same precedence Spread uses.


The text color is set for Excel using the same precedence that Spread uses (cell, row, column, spreadsheet). The text color for alternating rows is not exported, unless the ExcelSaveFlag.SaveAlternatingRowStyles option is used. (Refer to Colors Exported.).


Refer to Colors Exported.


If GridLines is set to none, none are shown in Excel. If GridLines is set to Both, both horizontal and vertical grid lines are shown. Other settings are not exported.


The Protect property setting for the spreadsheet is exported. The default value for the Protect property in Spread is True, the opposite of the Excel Protect property default setting. The Protect setting works with the Locked setting for cells to determine whether users can change content. Refer to the Locked cells setting in Cell Settings Exported for more information.


The sheet is displayed or hidden in Excel according to this setting.


Only the number of sheets that Excel can handle is exported.

Custom Functions and Custom Names

A custom function is exported as any other function. In Excel, this is called a user-defined function.

Excel supports both worksheet level names and workbook level names. Spread assigns a custom name to the sheet level if cross-sheet references are disabled. Spread assigns a custom name to the workbook level if cross-sheet references are enabled.

Hierarchical Display

Only the top sheet is exported in a hierarchical display.

A hierarchy on a sheet can have expandable and collapsible rows. Spread supports a hierarchy where each sheet (parent and child) has its own cell formulas, column settings, etc. There is no way to fully export a hierarchy to an Excel-formatted file from Spread, because Excel does not support a hierarchy of sheets. One option would be to copy all the cell data and formatting to a single sheet and then export that sheet.


The border around the Spread component is not exported.

PrintInfo Class

See Print Settings Exported for more information about exporting the print settings.


Images created with the SpreadImage class are exported as floating images.