Spread for ASP.NET 18 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Understanding the Product / Concepts Overview / Formatted versus Unformatted Data
Formatted versus Unformatted Data

Spread for ASP.NET provides both text (formatted data) and value (unformatted data) properties for a cell. For example, in a currency cell, the formatted data could be $1,432.56, but the value would be 1432.56. The Text property would return the entire formatted string with currency symbol and thousand separator. The Value property could be used in formulas or other calculations. Remember that each cell has both properties. For cell types that have buttons or check boxes, the distinction is also important.

For more detailed information on the text and value data for specific cell types in Spread for ASP.NET, refer to the FarPoint.Web.Spread assembly and namespace, the Cell class, the Text and Value properties, and Understanding How Cell Types Display Data. Refer to Placing and Retrieving Data for more information about data in cells.