Spread ASP.NET 17
Spread for ASP.NET 17 Product Documentation / Developer's Guide / Getting Started / Working with the Component / Copying Shared Assemblies to Local Folder
In This Topic
    Copying Shared Assemblies to Local Folder
    In This Topic

    FarPoint.CalcEngine.dll, FarPoint.Excel.dll, and FarPoint.PDF.dll are installed to the GAC by default when installing Spread for ASP.NET.

    You can use the smart tag verb "Copy Shared Assemblies Local" to copy FarPoint.CalcEngine.dll, FarPoint.Excel.dll, and FarPoint.PDF.dll to the local bin folder on the web site when deploying.

    The smart tag verb appears as follows:

    Smart Tag Verb

    The following entry is added to the web.config file:

    Copy Code
    <add key="fp_CopySharedAssembliesLocal" value="True" />