Controls / Calendar / Icons Customization
Icons Customization

Calendar allows you to customize its navigation button icons. It provides you the following properties in the C1Calendar class which can be used to customize the icons in Calendar control.

Properties Description
NextIconTemplate Template used to create icons for next button.
PrevIconTemplate Template used to create icons for previous button.

The properties mentioned above create icons for navigation buttons of the Calendar control using DataTemplate class. The following image displays icons used in the Calendar control for depicting the navigation buttons.

WinUI Calendar with customized navigation icons

The following code demonstrates how to use the properties listed in the above table to change the navigation icons in the Calendar control using images for the icons.

Copy Code
<calendar:C1Calendar x:Name="calendar" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top">  
            <Image Source="\IconImages\Previous.ico"></Image>
            <Image Source="\IconImages\Next.ico"></Image>