Controls / FlexGrid / Row

A grid control is a collection of rows and columns. Columns generally contain a particular type of information through out, while rows are used to record different types of information about a particular item.

In FlexGrid, the collection of rows is represented by the RowCollection class which can be accessed through Rows property of the FlexGrid class. This section discusses the various operations that can be performed on rows.

Topic Content
Basic Operations

Discusses about how to perform basic row operations.

  • Add row
  • Delete row
  • Insert row
  • Set frozen row
User interaction

Discusses about operations that can be performed by the end-user at run time

  • Allow dragging
  • Allow resizing

Discusses about how to set row header and perform other related operations.

  • Set row header
  • Merge row header
  • Wrap row header text
  • Style row header

Discusses about various aspects of row sizing.

  • Set row height
  • Auto adjust row height
  • Set min/max row height