Xamarin.Forms | ComponentOne
Controls / FlexPie / Features / Exploded Pie Chart
In This Topic
    Exploded Pie Chart
    In This Topic

    The Offset property can be used to push the pie slices away from the center of the FlexPie, producing an exploded pie chart. This property accepts a decimal value to determine how far the pie slices should be pushed from the center.

    The image below shows an exploded FlexPie.

    The following code example demonstrates how to set this property in C#. This example uses the sample created in the Quick Start section.

    In Code

    Copy Code
    chart.Offset = 0.2;

    In XAML

    Copy Code
    <c1:FlexPie x:Name="chart" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" BindingName="Name"
        Binding="Value" Offset="0.2" />