Xamarin.Forms | ComponentOne
Controls / FlexChart / Features / Themes
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    In This Topic

    An easy way to enhance the appearance of the FlexChart control is to use pre-defined themes instead of customizing each element. The Palette property is used to specify the theme to be applied on the control.

    Note: Remove the Palette property from code to apply default theme.

    The image below shows how the FlexChart control appears when the Palette property is set to Cocoa.

    Themes in FlexChart

    The following code examples demonstrate how to apply themes in C# and XAML.

    In Code

    Copy Code
    //setting the Palette
    chart.Palette = Palette.Cocoa;

    In XAML

    Copy Code
    <c1:FlexChart x:Name="chart" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" BindingX="Name" ChartType="Column"
        Grid.Row="1" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" Palette="Cocoa"/>

    FlexChart comes with pre-defined templates that can be applied for quick customization. Here are the 17 pre-defined templates available in the Palette enumeration.

    See Also