Xamarin.Forms | ComponentOne
Controls / Input / ComboBox / Features / Custom Appearance
In This Topic
    Custom Appearance
    In This Topic

    The ComboBox control comes with various properties to customize its appearance. The C1ComboBox class provides a set of properties listed below to achieve customization in the control's overall look and feel.

    The image given below shows a customized combo box control.

    Custom ComboBox

    The given code illustrates how to set the above properties and render a customized combo box control. This code example uses the sample created in the Quick Start.

    In Code

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    cbxEdit.ButtonColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Magenta;
    cbxEdit.DropDownBackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Green;
    cbxEdit.DropDownBorderColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Navy;
    cbxEdit.DropDownMode = C1.Xamarin.Forms.Input.DropDownMode.ForceBelow;

    In XAML

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    <c1:C1ComboBox x:Name="cbxEdit" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" DisplayMemberPath="Name"
        ButtonColor="Magenta" DropDownBackgroundColor="Green" DropDownBorderColor="Navy"