
TableSheet supports hierarchy data that can be configured with the hierarchy options in the data source schema.

The options in the data source schema are as follows: There are 4 types of data in the hierarchy: Parent, Level, ChildrenPath, Custom. Each of them can be configured when adding a Table to data manager: Configure the parent hierarchy type: Configure the level hierarchy type: Configure the children path hierarchy type: Configure the custom hierarchy type: There are some operations to update the hierarchy records in the TableSheet: Promote a record: Demote a record: Move up: Move down: Add a new row data before the specified row: Add a new row data after the specified row: Add a new row data as the parent of the specified row: Add a new row data as the child of the specified row: Expand the all hierarchy levels: Collapse the all hierarchy levels: Expand the hierarchy data by specified level: There are some options to toggle the visibility of the menu items for the hierarchical records in the TableSheet options: To show the hierarchy menu items in the TableSheet:
window.onload = function() { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(_getElementById('ss'), { sheetCount: 0 }); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.options.autoFitType = GC.Spread.Sheets.AutoFitType.cellWithHeader; spread.clearSheets(); var dataManager = spread.dataManager(); initHierarchyParentType(spread, dataManager); initHierarchyLevelType(spread, dataManager); initHierarchyCustomType(spread, dataManager); initHierarchyChildrenType(spread, dataManager); } function initHierarchyParentType(spread, dataManager) { var apiUrl = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Hierarchy_Data"; var table = dataManager.addTable("hierarchyParentTable", { remote: { read: { url: apiUrl } }, autoSync: true, schema: { hierarchy: { type: 'Parent', // config the parent hierarchy type column: 'TaskParentId', // specify the column that could be used for building hierarchical view }, columns: { 'TaskId':{ dataName: 'id', isPrimaryKey: true}, // the primary key is required 'TaskParentId':{ dataName: 'parentId'}, 'TaskTitle':{ dataName: 'title'}, 'TaskOwner':{ dataName: 'owner'}, 'StartDate':{ dataName: 'startDate'}, 'DueDate':{ dataName: 'dueDate'}, 'TaskComplete':{ dataName: 'complete'}, 'TaskOrder':{ dataName: 'rowOrder', dataType: 'rowOrder'}, // if dataType be rowOrder, the records could be moved and added } } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "HierarchyParent", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.setDefaultRowHeight(40, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader); sheet.options.allowAddNew = true; // show the menu items for hierarchical records sheet.options.menuItemVisibility = { // the options below be on the row header promoteMenuItemVisible: true, demoteMenuItemVisible: true, // the options below be on the column header expandAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, collapseAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, expandToLevelMenuItemVisible: true, // the options below be on the row header // and the menu items be enable for the dataType of the column be rowOrder moveUpMenuItemVisible: true, moveDownMenuItemVisible: true, addBeforeMenuItemVisible: true, addAfterMenuItemVisible: true, addAboveMenuItemVisible: true, addBelowMenuItemVisible: true, }; table.fetch().then(function () { var myView = table.addView("myView", [ { value: "TaskTitle", width: 200, outlineColumn: { showImage: true, images: ['$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-1.png', '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-2.png', '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-3.png'], expandIndicator: '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/increaseIndicator.png', collapseIndicator: '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/decreaseIndicator.png', } }, { value: "TaskOwner", width: 200 }, { value: "StartDate", width: 200 }, { value: "DueDate", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskComplete", width: 200 }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); } function initHierarchyLevelType(spread, dataManager) { var apiUrl = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Hierarchy_Data/level"; var table = dataManager.addTable("hierarchyLevelTable", { remote: { read: { url: apiUrl }, create: { url: apiUrl }, update: { url: apiUrl, method: 'PUT' }, delete: { url: apiUrl }, batch: { url: apiUrl } }, batch: true, // autoSync: true, schema: { hierarchy: { type: 'Level', // config the level hierarchy type column: 'level', outlineColumn: { // the outline column could be set in the hierarchy value: "TaskTitle", showImage: true, images: ['$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-1.png', '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-2.png', '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/task-3.png'], expandIndicator: '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/increaseIndicator.png', collapseIndicator: '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/images/decreaseIndicator.png', } }, columns: { 'TaskTitle': { dataName: 'title' }, 'TaskOwner': { dataName: 'owner' }, 'StartDate': { dataName: 'startDate' }, 'DueDate': { dataName: 'dueDate' }, 'TaskComplete': { dataName: 'complete' }, } } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(1, "HierarchyLevel", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.setDefaultRowHeight(40, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader); sheet.options.allowAddNew = true; sheet.options.menuItemVisibility = { promoteMenuItemVisible: true, demoteMenuItemVisible: true, expandAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, collapseAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, expandToLevelMenuItemVisible: true, moveUpMenuItemVisible: true, moveDownMenuItemVisible: true, addBeforeMenuItemVisible: true, addAfterMenuItemVisible: true, addAboveMenuItemVisible: true, addBelowMenuItemVisible: true, }; table.fetch().then(function () { var myView = table.addView("myView", [ { value: "TaskTitle", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskOwner", width: 200 }, { value: "StartDate", width: 200 }, { value: "DueDate", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskComplete", width: 200 }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); } function initHierarchyChildrenType(spread, dataManager) { var apiUrl = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Hierarchy_Data/children"; var table = dataManager.addTable("hierarchyChildrenTable", { remote: { read: { url: apiUrl }, create: { url: apiUrl }, update: { url: apiUrl, method: 'PUT' }, delete: { url: apiUrl }, batch: { url: apiUrl } }, batch: true, // autoSync: true, schema: { hierarchy: { type: 'ChildrenPath', // config the children path hierarchy type column: 'children', }, columns: { 'TaskTitle':{ dataName: 'title'}, 'TaskOwner':{ dataName: 'owner'}, 'StartDate':{ dataName: 'startDate'}, 'DueDate':{ dataName: 'dueDate'}, 'TaskComplete':{ dataName: 'complete'}, } } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(2, "HierarchyChildren", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.setDefaultRowHeight(40, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader); sheet.options.allowAddNew = true; sheet.options.menuItemVisibility = { promoteMenuItemVisible: true, demoteMenuItemVisible: true, expandAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, collapseAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, expandToLevelMenuItemVisible: true, moveUpMenuItemVisible: true, moveDownMenuItemVisible: true, addBeforeMenuItemVisible: true, addAfterMenuItemVisible: true, addAboveMenuItemVisible: true, addBelowMenuItemVisible: true, }; table.fetch().then(function () { var myView = table.addView("myView", [ { value: "TaskTitle", width: 200, outlineColumn: true }, { value: "TaskOwner", width: 200 }, { value: "StartDate", width: 200 }, { value: "DueDate", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskComplete", width: 200 }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); } function initHierarchyCustomType(spread, dataManager) { var apiUrl = getBaseApiUrl() + "/Hierarchy_Data"; var table = dataManager.addTable("hierarchyCustomTable", { remote: { read: { url: apiUrl } }, autoSync: true, schema: { hierarchy: { type: 'Custom', // config the custom hierarchy type column: 'WBSNumber', parse: function (options) { // parsing the key to the parent key that be similar as the parent hierarchy type let segments = options.data.WBSNumber.split('.'); return segments.slice(0, segments.length - 1).join('.'); }, unparse: function (options) { // if the key should be updated, unparse the related data to the key let parentIds, currentIndex = options.index, parentData = options.parentData, parentKey = parentData && parentData.WBSNumber; if (parentKey) { let sp = parentKey.split('.'); parentIds = sp; } else { parentIds = []; } parentIds.push(currentIndex + 1); return parentIds.join('.'); } }, columns: { 'WBSNumber': { dataName: 'wbs', isPrimaryKey: true }, 'TaskTitle': { dataName: 'title' }, 'TaskOwner': { dataName: 'owner' }, 'StartDate': { dataName: 'startDate' }, 'DueDate': { dataName: 'dueDate' }, 'TaskComplete': { dataName: 'complete' }, } } }); var sheet = spread.addSheetTab(3, "HierarchyCustom", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.tableSheet); sheet.setDefaultRowHeight(40, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader); sheet.options.allowAddNew = true; sheet.options.menuItemVisibility = { promoteMenuItemVisible: true, demoteMenuItemVisible: true, expandAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, collapseAllLevelMenuItemVisible: true, expandToLevelMenuItemVisible: true, }; table.fetch().then(function () { var myView = table.addView("myView", [ { value: "WBSNumber", width: 200, outlineColumn: true }, { value: "TaskTitle", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskOwner", width: 200 }, { value: "StartDate", width: 200 }, { value: "DueDate", width: 200 }, { value: "TaskComplete", width: 200 }, ]); spread.suspendPaint(); sheet.setDataView(myView); spread.resumePaint(); }); } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function getBaseApiUrl() { return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/demos\//)[0] + 'server/api'; }
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