The BYROW function applies a LAMBDA to each row and returns an array of the results. For example, if the original array is 3 columns by 2 rows, the returned array is 1 column by 2 rows.

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=BYROW(array, lambda(row))

The BYROW function syntax has the following arguments:

  • array
    An array to be separated by column.
  • lambda
    A LAMBDA that takes a row as a single parameter and calculates one result. The LAMBDA takes a single parameter:
    • row
      A row from array.


Before using this function, you need to turn on the allowDynamicArray option

var workbook = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"));
workbook.options.allowDynamicArray = true;

Basic Usage

Returns the maximum value of each row of data

sheet.setFormula(3, 5, 'BYROW(A1:C2, LAMBDA(array, MAX(array)))');
// A1:C2 is      result is
// 1 2 3         3
// 4 5 6         6
Syntax The BYROW function syntax has the following arguments: array An array to be separated by column. lambda A LAMBDA that takes a row as a single parameter and calculates one result. The LAMBDA takes a single parameter: row A row from array. Tip Before using this function, you need to turn on the allowDynamicArray option Basic Usage Returns the maximum value of each row of data
var data = { values: { 1: { 1: "Examples" }, 3: { 1: "Example 1: Returns the maximum value of each row of data" }, 4: { 1: "Data:", 5: "Formula:" }, 5: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 5: "Result:" }, 6: { 1: 4, 2: 5, 3: 6 }, 8: { 1: "Example 2: Returns the maximum value of each squared value of an array" }, 9: { 1: "Data:", 5: "Formula:" }, 10: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 5: "Result:" }, 11: { 1: 4, 2: 5, 3: 6 }, }, formulas: { 4: { 6: "FORMULATEXT(G6)" }, 5: { 6: "BYROW(B6:D7,LAMBDA(array,MAX(array)))" }, 9: { 6: "FORMULATEXT(G11)" }, 10: { 6: "BYROW(B11:D12,LAMBDA(array,SUMSQ(array)))" }, }, cellStyles: { "B2:C2": 0, "B4:G4": 1, B5: 2, C5: 3, D5: 4, F5: 5, "G5:K5": 6, "B6:D7": 7, F6: 8, "G6:G7": 6, "B9:I9": 1, B10: 2, C10: 3, D10: 4, F10: 5, "G10:K10": 6, "B11:D12": 7, F11: 8, "G11:G12": 6, }, styles: { records: [ { foreColor: 0, font: 0, border: [null, null, 0] }, { foreColor: 0, font: 1, border: [null, null, 1] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [null, null, 2, 3] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [4, null, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [4, 3, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [3, 2, 3, 3] }, { backColor: 4, foreColor: 3, font: 1, border: [2, 2, 2, 2] }, { backColor: 6, foreColor: 5, border: [2, 2, 2, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [3, 3, 3, 3] }, ], borders: [ { color: "#accdea", style: 5 }, { color: "#9bc3e6", style: 2 }, { color: "#7f7f7f", style: 1 }, { color: "#9bc3e6", style: 1 }, { color: "#000000", style: 1 }, ], colors: ["#44546a", "#ffffff", "#5b9bd5", "#fa7d00", "#f2f2f2", "#3f3f76", "#ffcc99"], fonts: ["700 17.3px Calibri", "700 14.7px Calibri"], }, others: { columnWidth: { 0: 30 }, rowHeight: { 1: 24, 2: 21, 3: 21, 8: 21 }, spans: ["B5:D5", "B10:D10"], }, }; window.onload = function () { var workbook = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); workbook.options.allowDynamicArray = true; workbook.suspendPaint(); initSheet1(workbook.getSheet(0)); workbook.resumePaint(); }; function initSheet1(sheet) { setSheetPr(sheet); setCells(sheet); } function setCells(sheet) { foreachObj(data.values, function (r, row) { foreachObj(row, function (c, v) { setValue(sheet, Number(r), Number(c), v); }); }); foreachObj(data.formulas, function (r, row) { foreachObj(row, function (c, v) { setFormula(sheet, Number(r), Number(c), v); }); }); foreachObj(data.cellStyles, function (ref, id) { setStyle(sheet, ref, data.styles.records[id]); }); } function setValue(sheet, r, c, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; sheet.setValue(r, c, v); } function setFormula(sheet, r, c, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; sheet.setFormula(r, c, v); } function setStyle(sheet, ref, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; var styles = data.styles; var range = sheet.getRange(ref); var foreColor = styles.colors[v.foreColor]; var backColor = styles.colors[v.backColor]; var font = styles.fonts[v.font]; var wordWrap = v.wordWrap; if (foreColor) { range.foreColor(foreColor); } if (backColor) { range.backColor(backColor); } if (font) { range.font(font); } if (wordWrap) { range.wordWrap(wordWrap); } var border = v.border || []; var borderTop = styles.borders[border[0]]; var borderRight = styles.borders[border[1]]; var borderBottom = styles.borders[border[2]]; var borderLeft = styles.borders[border[3]]; if (borderTop) { range.borderTop(createLineStyle(borderTop)); } if (borderBottom) { range.borderBottom(createLineStyle(borderBottom)); } if (borderLeft) { range.borderLeft(createLineStyle(borderLeft)); } if (borderRight) { range.borderRight(createLineStyle(borderRight)); } } function setSheetPr(sheet) { // set column width foreachObj(data.others.columnWidth, function (index, v) { sheet.setColumnWidth(Number(index), v); }); // set row height foreachObj(data.others.rowHeight, function (index, v) { sheet.setRowHeight(Number(index), v); }); // set spans var spans = data.others.spans || []; for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { var range = sheet.getRange(spans[i]); sheet.addSpan(range.row, range.col, range.rowCount, range.colCount); } } function createLineStyle(v) { return new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder(v.color,; } function foreachObj(obj, func) { if (!obj) return; var keys = Object.keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var v = obj[key]; func(key, v); } }
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