
The StatusBar can be customized using the provided JavaScript APIs. By adding or removing items below, you can see how the workbook's status bar is updated.

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You can customize StatusBr items using the GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusItem class.

    var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"));
    var spanItem = new GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusItem('spanItem', {menuContent: 'current span', value: 'span test'});
    var statusBar = new GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusBar(
           { items: [spanItem] }

You can add or remove an item with the following code:

    var statusItemName = 'statusItem';
    var statusItem = new StatusItem(statusItemName, {menuContent: 'item', value: 'itemValue'});

You can get one or all items in the list:


StatusItem also provides customization:

onCreateItemView(container): Create the item element in the status bar. Override this to customize the item.

onUpdate(): status bar update callback.

onBind(context): Bind the Context. Can override to add context related event listener.

onUnbind(): Unbind the Context. Can override to remove context related event listener.

You can customize StatusBr items using the GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusItem class. You can add or remove an item with the following code: You can get one or all items in the list: StatusItem also provides customization: onCreateItemView(container): Create the item element in the status bar. Override this to customize the item. onUpdate(): status bar update callback. onBind(context): Bind the Context. Can override to add context related event listener. onUnbind(): Unbind the Context. Can override to remove context related event listener.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 1 }); var sheet = spread.getSheet(0); var StatusItem = GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusItem; function Popup(name, options) {, name, options); } Popup.prototype = new StatusItem(); Popup.prototype.onCreateItemView = function (container) { var item = document.createElement('div'); item.innerText = this.value; = '#86bd00'; = "0 3px"; container.appendChild(item); container.addEventListener('click', function () { alert('Popup'); }) }; var statusBar = new GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusBar(document.getElementById('statusBar')); statusBar.bind(spread); statusBar.add(new Popup('Popup', {menuContent: 'popup item', value: 'popup', tipText: 'popup'})); // add item document.getElementById('addItem').addEventListener('click',function () { var itemName = document.getElementById('addItemName').value; if (!itemName) { itemName = 'default'; } statusBar.add(new StatusItem(itemName, {menuContent: itemName, value: itemName, itemName: itemName})); }); // delete item document.getElementById('removeItem').addEventListener('click', function () { statusBar.remove(document.getElementById('removeItemName').value); }) };
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