Incremental Calculation

SpreadJS supports the Incremental Calculation mode, which the calculation won't block the UI for a long time.

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With incremental calculation, SpreadJS will calculate the cells with the period, and check and respond to the UI events every period. This prevents the UI from freezing for a long time when the workbook contains many formulas.

In order to use the incremental calculation feature, you need to set the workbook option incrementalCalculation to true or load the file with incrementalCalculation. For example:

spread.options.incrementalCalculation = true;
spread.import(file, function() {}, function() {}, { incrementalCalculation: true });

When incremental calculation, user can get the calculation progress by the CalculationProgress event.

For example:

spread.options.incrementalCalculation = true;
spread.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.CalculationProgress, function (e, info) {
     var msg = "Calculate ";
     if (info.pendingCells === 0) {
         msg += "finished";
     } else if (info.iterate >= 0) {
         msg += info.pendingCells + " cells in iterative calculation round " + info.iterate;
     } else {
         msg += (info.totalCells - info.pendingCells) + "/" + info.totalCells + "cells";
With incremental calculation, SpreadJS will calculate the cells with the period, and check and respond to the UI events every period. This prevents the UI from freezing for a long time when the workbook contains many formulas. In order to use the incremental calculation feature, you need to set the workbook option incrementalCalculation to true or load the file with incrementalCalculation. For example: When incremental calculation, user can get the calculation progress by the CalculationProgress event. For example:
window.onload = function () { let spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); let statusBar = new GC.Spread.Sheets.StatusBar.StatusBar(document.getElementById('statusBar')); statusBar.bind(spread); let incrementalCalculationElement = document.getElementById("enable-incremental-calculation"); incrementalCalculationElement.addEventListener("change", function () { spread.options.incrementalCalculation = incrementalCalculationElement.checked; }); document.getElementById('open').onclick = function () { let file = document.querySelector('#selectedFile').files[0]; if (!file) { return; } let options = { openMode: 2 /* incremental loading */, fullRecalc: true, dynamicReferences: false, incrementalCalculation: incrementalCalculationElement.checked }; if (isSJSFile(file)) {, function() {}, function() {}, options); } else { spread.import(file, function() {}, function() {}, options); } }; document.getElementById('calculate-all').onclick = function () { spread.calculate(); }; fetch(getFileUrl()).then(res => res.blob()).then(file =>, null, null, { openMode: 2 /* incremental loading */, fullRecalc: true, incrementalCalculation: true })); }; function isSJSFile (file) { let fileName =; let extensionName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); return extensionName === "sjs"; } function getFileUrl () { return '$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/data/incremental-calculation.sjs'; }
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