Resize Handler

Users can easily resize the table range using the table resize handle. To resize the table, place your curser in the lower-right corner of the table and the resize handle will appear. Drag this handle to the right or down to resize the table.

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Users can resize the table using the UI by dragging the resize indicator at the right-bottom corner of table.

To allow users to resize the table, set showResizeHandle to True:

Users can resize the table using the UI by dragging the resize indicator at the right-bottom corner of table. To allow users to resize the table, set showResizeHandle to True:
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; var sheet = spread.getSheet(0); var table = sheet.tables.add("table1", 1, 1, 4, 4, spreadNS.Tables.TableThemes.light1); table.showResizeHandle(true); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 120); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 120); sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 120); sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 120); sheet.getCell(1, 1).text("First Name"); sheet.getCell(1, 2).text("Last Name"); sheet.getCell(1, 3).text("Score"); sheet.getCell(1, 4).text("Position"); sheet.getCell(2, 1).text("Alexa"); sheet.getCell(2, 2).text("Wilder"); sheet.getCell(2, 3).text("90"); sheet.getCell(2, 4).text("Web Developer"); sheet.getCell(3, 1).text("Victor"); sheet.getCell(3, 2).text("Wooten"); sheet.getCell(3, 3).text("70"); sheet.getCell(3, 4).text(".NET Developer"); sheet.getCell(4, 1).text("Ifeoma"); sheet.getCell(4, 2).text("Mays"); sheet.getCell(4, 3).text("85"); sheet.getCell(4, 4).text("Sales Manager"); spread.resumePaint(); _getElementById("resizeTableUi").addEventListener('click',function () { if (table) { try { table.showResizeHandle(_getElementById("resizeTableUi").checked); } catch (ex) { alert(!!ex.message ? ex.message : ex); } } }); } function _getElementById(id){ return document.getElementById(id); }
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