Custom MenuView

You can customize the built-in context menu by adding or removing items from the MenuView.

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You can rewrite the defined context menu style class to apply different styles. For example:

    .gc-ui-contextmenu-group-header {

You can customize the menu item's view structure by overwriting the MenuView's createMenuItemElement function:

    var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'));
    function CustomMenuView() {}
    CustomMenuView.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ContextMenu.MenuView();
    CustomMenuView.prototype.createMenuItemElement = function (menuItemData) {
        // create menu item view by your self
        // you can call super's createMenuItemElement here and only customize a few of menu item
        // should return menu item view back
    spread.contextMenu.menuView = new CustomMenuView();

You can overwrite the MenuView's getCommandOptions function to show the options when the command is executed:

    var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'));
    function CustomMenuView() {}
    CustomMenuView.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ContextMenu.MenuView();
    CustomMenuView.prototype.getCommandOptions = function (menuItemData, host, event) {
        // For most of the menu items, only the selections on sheets or the active sheet’s name are needed
        // but there may be some menu items need special parameters,like color picker,change color
        // To change colors, the command needs to know which color the user clicked on, so overwrite this function and return this
        // parameter's value here.
    spread.contextMenu.menuView = new CustomMenuView();
You can rewrite the defined context menu style class to apply different styles. For example: You can customize the menu item's view structure by overwriting the MenuView's createMenuItemElement function: You can overwrite the MenuView's getCommandOptions function to show the options when the command is executed:
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 2}); initEvents(spread); }; function initEvents(spread) { document.getElementById('addMoreMenuItems').onchange = function () { if (isMenuItemExist(spread.contextMenu.menuData, "selectColorWithBg") || isMenuItemExist(spread.contextMenu.menuData, "insertRows")) { spread.contextMenu.menuData.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item && ( === "selectColorWithBg" || === "insertRows")) { spread.contextMenu.menuData.splice(index, 1); } }); return; } var commandManager = spread.commandManager(); // prepair select with a background color command and menu item var selectWithABackgroundColor = { text: "Select Color", name: "selectColorWithBg", workArea: "viewport", subMenu: [ { name: "selectColorPicker", command: "selectWithBg" } ] }; spread.contextMenu.menuData.push(selectWithABackgroundColor); var selectWithABackgroundColorCommand = { canUndo: false, execute: function (spread, options) { if (options.commandOptions) { var style = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); = 'style1'; style.backColor = options.commandOptions; var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); sheet.suspendPaint(); var selections = sheet.getSelections(); var selectionIndex = 0, selectionCount = selections.length; for (; selectionIndex < selectionCount; selectionIndex++) { var selection = selections[selectionIndex]; for (var i = selection.row; i < (selection.row + selection.rowCount); i++) { for (var j = selection.col; j < (selection.col + selection.colCount); j++) { sheet.setStyle(i, j, style, GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport); } } } sheet.resumePaint(); } } }; commandManager.register("selectWithBg", selectWithABackgroundColorCommand, null, false, false, false, false); // prepair insert rows by specified row count command and menu item var insertRows = { text: "insertRows", name: "insertRows", command: "insertRows", workArea: "rowHeader" }; spread.contextMenu.menuData.push(insertRows); var insertRowsCommand = { canUndo: false, execute: function (spread, options) { var rowCount = parseInt(options.commandOptions); if (!isNaN(rowCount)) { var sheet = spread.getSheetFromName(options.sheetName); sheet.suspendPaint(); sheet.addRows(options.activeRow, rowCount); sheet.resumePaint(); } } }; commandManager.register("insertRows", insertRowsCommand, null, false, false, false, false); // customize context menu function CustomMenuView() { } CustomMenuView.prototype = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ContextMenu.MenuView(); CustomMenuView.prototype.createMenuItemElement = function (menuItemData) { var self = this; if ( === "selectColorPicker") { var containers =, menuItemData); var supMenuItemContainer = containers[0]; while (supMenuItemContainer.firstChild) { supMenuItemContainer.removeChild(supMenuItemContainer.firstChild); } var colorPicker = createColorpicker(); supMenuItemContainer.appendChild(colorPicker); return supMenuItemContainer; } else if ( === "insertRows") { var containers =, menuItemData); var supMenuItemContainer = containers[0]; supMenuItemContainer.appendChild(createInput()); return supMenuItemContainer; } else { var menuItemView =, menuItemData); return menuItemView; } }; CustomMenuView.prototype.getCommandOptions = function (menuItemData, host, event) { if (menuItemData && === "selectColorPicker") { var ele = || event.srcElement; return; } else if (menuItemData && === "insertRows") { return host.getElementsByClassName("inputBlock")[0].value; } }; spread.contextMenu.menuView = new CustomMenuView(); }; var colors = ['rgb(255,255,255)', 'rgb(0,255,255)', 'rgb(255,0,255)', 'rgb(255,255,0)', 'rgb(255,0,0)', 'rgb(0,255,0)', 'rgb(0,0,255)', 'rgb(0,0,0)']; function createColorpicker() { var colorPicker = document.createElement('div'); colorPicker.className = 'colorPickerContent'; for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) { var colorDom = document.createElement("div"); colorDom.className = 'colorDom';['backgroundColor'] = colors[j]; colorPicker.appendChild(colorDom); } return colorPicker; } } function createInput() { var inputBlock = document.createElement('input'); inputBlock.className = 'inputBlock'; inputBlock.type = 'text'; inputBlock.value = '1'; inputBlock.setAttribute('gcUIElement', 'gcContextMenu'); = 'width: 20px'; inputBlock.onclick = function (ev) { if ( { ev.stopPropagation() } } return inputBlock; } function isMenuItemExist(menuData, menuItemName) { var i = 0, count = menuData.length; for (; i < count; i++) { if (menuItemName === menuData[i].name) { return true; } } }
<!doctype html> <html style="height:100%;font-size:14px;"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$DEMOROOT$/en/purejs/node_modules/@mescius/spread-sheets/styles/gc.spread.sheets.excel2013white.css"> <script src="$DEMOROOT$/en/purejs/node_modules/@mescius/spread-sheets/dist/gc.spread.sheets.all.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="$DEMOROOT$/spread/source/js/license.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="app.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <div class="sample-tutorial"> <div id="ss" class="sample-spreadsheets"></div> <div class="options-container"> <div class="option-row"> Right click any cell to bring up the context menu.You can easily modify the context menu depending on your needs. Select the option below to add a new context menu item on viewport that will allow the user to change the background color of the cell and a new context menu item on rowHeader that will allow the user to add row count by specified number.<br/> <div class="option-row"> <input id="addMoreMenuItems" type="checkbox" /> <label for="addMoreMenuItems">Add more menu items</label> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
.sample-tutorial { position: relative; height: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .sample-spreadsheets { width: calc(100% - 280px); height: 100%; overflow: hidden; float: left; } .options-container { float: right; width: 280px; padding: 12px; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; background: #fbfbfb; overflow: auto; } .option-row { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; } label { margin-bottom: 6px; } input { padding: 4px 6px; } input[type=button] { margin-top: 6px; } .buttonStyle{ width:240px; height:30px; } .colorPickerContent{ width: 100%; background-color:white; } .colorDom{ width: 14px; height: 14px; margin:0 0 0 6px; display: inline-block; border: solid 1px #333333; vertical-align: top; } body { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; }