In some conditions, you may use a dynamic parameter instead of a static value to regenerate data in a filter.
SpreadJS supports the parameter and parameterUI to help you accomplish this requirement. Try changing the parameters in the below demo to filter the values.
The Parameter interface is as follows:
interface IParameter {
[parameterName: string]: string | number | boolean | Date;
class ReportSheet {
function setParametersUI(host: HTMLElement | string, initParametersUI: GC.Spread.Report.InitParametersUIFunctionType, onChange: GC.Spread.Report.OnChangeFunctionType): void;
type InitParametersUIFunctionType = (sheet: Worksheet) => void;
type OnChangeFunctionType = (sheet: ReportSheet, changedArgs: IParameterChangedArgs) => void;
interface IParameterChangedArgs {
tag: string; // changed cell bindingPath or tag.
oldValue: string | number | boolean | Date;
newValue: string | number | boolean | Date;
Right now, the parameter can only be used in a filter.
const spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook('ss', { sheetCount: 1 });
const ordersTable = spread.dataManager().addTable('Orders', {
remote: {
read: {
url: baseApiUrl + '/Order'
ordersTable.fetch().then(() => {
const reportSheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, 'report1', GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.reportSheet);
customerId: "VINET",
startDate: new Date("1996/7/1"),
endDate: new Date("1998/7/1"),
const reportSheet = spread.getActiveSheetTab();
const templateSheet = reportSheet.getTemplate();
// set value and binding for the template
templateSheet.setTemplateCell(1, 0, {
type: 'List',
binding: `Orders[orderId]`,
filter: {
condition: {
and: [
column: "customerId",
operator: "Equal",
parameter: "customerId", // use parameter in filter condition.
column: "orderDate",
operator: "GreaterThanOrEqual",
parameter: "startDate",
column: "orderDate",
operator: "lessThanOrEqual",
parameter: "endDate"
// refresh the report
// if users want to update the parameter.
customerId: "TOMSP",
startDate: new Date("1996/7/1"),
endDate: new Date("1998/7/1"),
var reportSheet = spread.getActiveSheetTab();
var parameterUIHost = document.getElementById("report-sheet-parameter-ui");
reportSheet.setParametersUI(parameterUIHost, initParametersUI, parameterOnChanged);
function initParametersUI (sheet) { // the parameterUI sheet init callback
sheet.getCell(-1, -1).backColor("rgb(225, 225, 225)");
sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 5);
sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 220);
sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 10);
sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 220);
sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 10);
sheet.setColumnWidth(5, 220);
sheet.setColumnWidth(6, 10);
sheet.setColumnWidth(7, 105);
sheet.setRowHeight(0, 10);
sheet.setRowHeight(1, 30);
sheet.setRowHeight(2, 30);
sheet.setValue(1, 1, "CustomerID:");
sheet.setValue(1, 3, "StartDate:");
sheet.setValue(1, 5, "EndDate:");
sheet.getCell(2, 1).bindingPath("customerId"); // bind parameter
sheet.getCell(2, 3).bindingPath("startDate");
sheet.getCell(2, 5).bindingPath("endDate");
let submitButton = new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.Button(); // add submit button
sheet.getCell(2, 7).tag("submitButton").foreColor("white").cellType(submitButton);
let style = sheet.getStyle(2, 7);
style.hAlign =;
style.vAlign =;
style.textIndent = 0;
sheet.setStyle(2, 7, style);
function parameterOnChanged (reportSheet, valueChangedArgs) { // the parameterUI changed callback
if (valueChangedArgs.tag === "submitButton") { // judge the changed parameter.
Submit and view feedback for