To add a barcode to worksheet, you can using a simple barcode formula, for example:
There are some common parameters of the barcode sparkline formulas, which are defined as follows:
value: this string represents the encode on the symbol of barcode.
color: (default value is 'rgb(0,0,0)') this color represents the barcode color.
backgroundColor: (default value is 'rgb(255, 255, 255)') this color represents the barcode backgroundColor.
showLabel: this value indicates whether to show the label text if the barcode as a label.
labelPosition: this value represents the label position if the label is shown.
fontFamily: (default value is 'sans-serif') this string represents the label text fontFamily.
fontStyle: (default value is 'normal') this string represents the label text fontStyle.
fontWeight: (default value is 'normal') this string represents the label text fontWeight.
textDecoration: (default value is 'none') this string represents the label text textDecoration.
textAlign: (default value is 'center') this string represents the label text textAlign.
textSize: (default value is '12px') this string represents the label text textSize.
quietZoneLeft: this value represents the size of left quiet zone.
quietZoneRight: this value represents the size of right quiet zone.
quietZoneTop: this value represents the size of top quiet zone.
quietZoneBottom: this value represents the size of bottom quiet zone.
window.onload = function () {
var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById('ss'), {sheetCount: 1});
var FORMULA = 'BC_PDF417';
function initSpread(spread) {
var sheet = spread.getSheet(0);
function _initBasicSheet(sheet) {'customSheet');
var types = [
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
sheet.setFormula(i + 3, 3, '=' + types[i] + '(C' + (i + 4) + ')');
// change color and backgroudColor
sheet.setFormula(i + 3, 4, '=' + types[i] + '(C' + (i + 4) + ',"#fff","#000")');
for (var i = 3; i < types.length; i++) {
// change showLabel
sheet.setFormula(i + 3, 5, '=' + types[i] + '(C' + (i + 4) + ',,,0)');
// change labelPosition
sheet.setFormula(i + 3, 6, '=' + types[i] + '(C' + (i + 4) + ',,,,"top")');
function _setData(sheet) {
var headers = [['Default', 'Change color and backgroudColor', 'Change showLabel', 'Change labelPosition']];
var dataArray = [
['QR code', 'Policy:411'],
['Data Matrix', 'Policy:411'],
['PDF417', 6935205311092],
['EAN-8', 4137962],
['EAN-13', 6920312296219],
['Code39', 3934712708295],
['Code93', 6945091701532],
['Code49', 6901668002433],
['Code128', 465465145645],
['Codabar', 9787560044231],
['gs1128', 235465143135]
sheet.addSpan(1, 1, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(1, 2, 2, 1);
sheet.addSpan(1, 3, 1, 4);
sheet.setValue(1, 1, 'Type');
sheet.setValue(1, 2, 'Number');
sheet.setValue(1, 3, 'Barcode');
sheet.setArray(2, 3, headers);
sheet.setArray(3, 1, dataArray);
function _setStyle(sheet) {
sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 20);
for (var row = 3; row < 14; row++) {
sheet.setRowHeight(row, 100);
for (var col = 1; col < 7; col++) {
sheet.setColumnWidth(col, 200);
.getRange(1, 1, 13, 6)
.setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder('orange', GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.medium), {outline: true});
.getRange(1, 1, 2, 6)
.setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder('orange', GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.thin), {all: true});
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