SpreadJS supports binding data sources to the sheet. Binding can be sheet-level binding.
You can use the setDataSource and getDataSource methods to set and get the data source. Before you use setDataSource, use the autoGenerateColumns method to control whether to generate columns automatically while binding data. For example:
var customers = [
{ ID:0, Name:'A', Info1:'Info0' },
{ ID:1, Name:'B', Info1:'Info1' },
{ ID:2, Name:'C', Info1:'Info2' },
sheet.autoGenerateColumns = true;
Also you can use the getDataItem method to get the data item of the specified row.
You can bind the columns using the specified data fields, as shown in the following example:
var datasource = [
{ name: 'Alice', age: 27, birthday: '1985/08/31', position: 'PM' }
// bindColumn one by one
var nameColInfo = { name: 'name', displayName: 'Display Name', size: 70 };
var ageColInfo = { name: 'age', displayName: 'Age', size: 40, resizable: false };
var birthdayColInfo = { name: 'birthday', displayName: 'Birthday', formatter: 'd/M/yy', size: 120 };
var positionColInfo = { name: 'position', displayName: 'Position', size: 50, visible: false };
sheet.autoGenerateColumns = false;
sheet.bindColumn(0, nameColInfo);
sheet.bindColumn(1, birthdayColInfo);
sheet.bindColumn(2, ageColInfo);
sheet.bindColumn(3, positionColInfo);
// or use bindColumns to bind all custom columns
var colInfos = [
{ name: 'position', displayName: 'Position', size: 50, visible: false },
{ name: 'name', displayName: 'Display Name', size: 70 },
{ name: 'birthday', displayName: 'Birthday', formatter: 'd/M/yy', size: 120 },
{ name: 'age', displayName: 'Age', size: 40, resizable: false },
sheet.autoGenerateColumns = false;
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