FILTER function

The FILTER function allows you to filter a range of data based on criteria you define.

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The FILTER function filters an array based on a boolean (true/false) array. For example:

=FILTER(array, include, if_empty?)
Argument Required Description
array Y The array, or range to filter
include Y A Boolean array whose height or width is the same as the array
[if_empty] N The value to return if all values in the included array are empty (filter returns nothing)


  • The FILTER function is only valid when allowDynamicArray is true.
  • The FILTER function will retun an array, which will spill if it's the final result of a formula.
  • If your dataset has the potential of returning an empty value, then use the 3rd argument ([if_empty]). Otherwise, a #CALC! error will result.
  • If any value of the include argument is an error (#N/A, #VALUE, etc) or cannot be converted to a boolean, the FILTER function will return an error.
The FILTER function filters an array based on a boolean (true/false) array. For example: Argument Required Description array Y The array, or range to filter include Y A Boolean array whose height or width is the same as the array [if_empty] N The value to return if all values in the included array are empty (filter returns nothing) Note: The FILTER function is only valid when allowDynamicArray is true. The FILTER function will retun an array, which will spill if it's the final result of a formula. If your dataset has the potential of returning an empty value, then use the 3rd argument ([if_empty]). Otherwise, a #CALC! error will result. If any value of the include argument is an error (#N/A, #VALUE, etc) or cannot be converted to a boolean, the FILTER function will return an error.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(_getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; var demoData = [ ["Region","Sales Rep","Product","Units"], ["East","Tom","Apple",6380], ["West","Fred","Grape", 5619], ["North ","Amy","Pear", 4565], ["South","Sal","Banana", 5323], ["East","Fritz","Apple", 4394], ["West","Sravan","Grape", 7195], ["North ","Xi","Pear", 5231], ["South","Hector","Banana", 2427], ["East","Tom","Banana", 4213], ["West","Fred","Pear", 3239], ["North ","Amy","Grape", 6420], ["South","Sal","Apple", 1310], ["East","Fritz","Banana", 6274], ["West","Sravan","Pear", 4894], ["North ","Xi","Grape", 7580], ["South","Hector","Apple", 9814] ]; function initSpread(spread) { spread.options.allowDynamicArray = true; var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); spread.suspendPaint(); spread.suspendCalcService();'FILTER'); sheet.defaults.colWidth = 80; sheet.setColumnWidth(5, 20); sheet.setColumnWidth(7, 20); sheet.setText(0, 0, 'The FILTER function filters a range or array based on criteria you specify. Syntax: FILTER(array,include,[if_empty])'); var row = 2; var col = 1; var rowCount = 17; applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, col, rowCount, 4); applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, 6, 2, 1); sheet.setArray(row, col, demoData); sheet.setArray(row, 6, [["Criterion", "", "Product", "Units", "", "Total:"], [5000]]); var formatter = '#,##0'; sheet.getRange(row + 1, col + 3, rowCount - 1, 1).formatter(formatter); sheet.getCell(row + 1, 6).formatter(formatter); sheet.getRange(row + 1, 9, rowCount, 1).formatter(formatter); var formula = 'SUM(IF(E4:E19>G4,1,0))'; sheet.setFormula(row + 1, 11, formula); // can't get value when calc service is suspended, use evaluateFormula instead // rowCount = sheet.getValue(row + 1, 11) + 1; rowCount = GC.Spread.Sheets.CalcEngine.evaluateFormula(sheet, formula) + 1; applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, 8, rowCount, 2); sheet.setArray(row, 6, [["Criterion", "", "Product", "Units", "", "Total:"], [5000]]); sheet.setFormula(row + 1, 8, 'FILTER(D4:E19,E4:E19>G4,"")'); spread.resumeCalcService(); spread.resumePaint(); } function applyTableStyleForRange(sheet, row, col, rowCount, colCount, options) { var tableName = "tmpTable"; var TableThemes = GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableThemes; // use table to help set style then remove like convert table to range in Excel sheet.tables.add(tableName, row, col, rowCount, colCount, TableThemes.medium7, options); sheet.tables.remove(tableName, 2 /* keep style */); } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
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