
You can customize the chart’s legend to better highlight which symbol or color represents each data series.

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The chart legend supports the following customization:

  • Visible: the legend visibility.
  • Position: top, right, left, bottom, topRight.
  • Background: color, transparency.
  • Text: font family, font size, color.
  • Border: color, transparency, width.
  • Overlapping: whether the legend display with overlapping plotArea.
  • Layout: x, y, width, height.

You can customize the legend using the following code:

    var legend = chart.legend();
    legend.visible = "orange";
    legend.position = GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.LegendPosition.top;
    legend.backColor = "orange";
    legend.backColorTransparency = 0.8;

    legend.fontFamily = "Arial";
    legend.fontSize = 9;
    legend.color = "green";

    legend.borderStyle.color = "green";
    legend.borderStyle.transparency = 0.3;
    legend.borderStyle.width = 3;

    legend.showLegendWithoutOverlapping = false;
    legend.layout= {
        x: 0.2,
        y: 0.5,
        width: 0.4,
        height: 0.2 

The chart legend supports the following customization: Visible: the legend visibility. Position: top, right, left, bottom, topRight. Background: color, transparency. Text: font family, font size, color. Border: color, transparency, width. Overlapping: whether the legend display with overlapping plotArea. Layout: x, y, width, height. You can customize the legend using the following code:
var spread; window.onload = function () { spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 2 }); initSpread(spread); initEvent(spread); //readSetting(new GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.CheckBoxList()); } function initSpread(spread) { var sheet = spread.getSheet(0); sheet.suspendPaint(); var dataArray = [ ["", 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'IE', 'Safari', 'Edge', 'Opera', 'Other'], ["2014", 0.4966, 0.1801, 0.2455, 0.0470, 0.0, 0.0150, 0.0158], ["2015", 0.5689, 0.1560, 0.1652, 0.0529, 0.0158, 0.0220, 0.0192], ["2016", 0.6230, 0.1531, 0.1073, 0.0464, 0.0311, 0.0166, 0.0225], ["2017", 0.6360, 0.1304, 0.0834, 0.0589, 0.0443, 0.0223, 0.0246] ]; sheet.setArray(0, 0, dataArray); var chart = sheet.charts.add('Chart1', GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.ChartType.lineMarkers, 30, 120, 480, 270, "A1:D5", GC.Spread.Sheets.Charts.RowCol.columns); chart.title({text: "Chart Legend"}); var legend = chart.legend(); legend.borderStyle.color = "green"; legend.borderStyle.width = 3; legend.fontSize = 9; legend.backColor = "orange"; legend.backColorTransparency = 0.8; chart.legend(legend); sheet.resumePaint(); } function initEvent(spread) { spread.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.FloatingElementSelected, function () { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var chart = getActiveChart(sheet); if (chart) { readSetting(chart); } }); _getElementById("apply").addEventListener('click', function () { applySetting(); }); } function readSetting(chart) { var legend = chart.legend(); _getElementById("visible").checked = legend.visible; _getElementById("position").value = legend.position; _getElementById("backColor").value = legend.backColor; _getElementById("backColorTransparency").value = legend.backColorTransparency; _getElementById("color").value = legend.color; _getElementById("fontFamily").value = legend.fontFamily; _getElementById("fontSize").value = legend.fontSize; _getElementById("border-color").value = legend.borderStyle.color; _getElementById("border-width").value = legend.borderStyle.width; _getElementById("border-transparency").value = legend.borderStyle.transparency; _getElementById("showLegendWithoutOverlapping").checked = legend.showLegendWithoutOverlapping !== false; if (legend.layout && legend.layout.x) { _getElementById("layoutX").value = legend.layout.x; } if (legend.layout && legend.layout.y) { _getElementById("layoutY").value = legend.layout.y; } if (legend.layout && legend.layout.width) { _getElementById("layoutWidth").value = legend.layout.width; } if (legend.layout && legend.layout.height) { _getElementById("layoutHeight").value = legend.layout.height; } } function applySetting() { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); var chart = getActiveChart(sheet); if (!chart) { return; } var legend = { visible: _geBoolean("visible"), position: _getValue("position"), showLegendWithoutOverlapping: _geBoolean("showLegendWithoutOverlapping"), backColor: _getText("backColor"), backColorTransparency: _getFloat("backColorTransparency"), color: _getText("color"), fontFamily: _getText("fontFamily"), fontSize: _getValue("fontSize"), borderStyle:{ color: _getText("border-color"), width: _getValue("border-width"), transparency: _getFloat("border-transparency") }, layout: { x: _getFloat("layoutX"), y: _getFloat("layoutY"), width: _getFloat("layoutWidth"), height: _getFloat("layoutHeight") } } chart.legend(legend); } function getActiveChart(sheet) { var activeChart = null; sheet.charts.all().forEach(function (chart) { if (chart.isSelected()) { activeChart = chart; } }); return activeChart; } function _getElementById(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function _geBoolean(id) { return _getElementById(id).checked; } function _getFloat(id) { return isNaN(parseFloat(_getElementById(id).value)) ? undefined : parseFloat(_getElementById(id).value); } function _getValue(id) { return parseInt(_getElementById(id).value); } function _getText(id) { return _getElementById(id).value; }
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