Document Properties

SpreadJS supports setting some related properties of files, including core properties, application properties, and custom properties.

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To use the document properties, follow this example:

// Set document properties
spread.docProps.coreDocProps = {
    title: 'Sample Document',
    subject: 'Sample Subject',
    creator: 'John Doe',
    keywords: 'sample, document, keywords',
    description: 'This is a sample document',
    category: 'Sample Category',
    contentStatus: 'Draft',
    created: new Date(),
spread.docProps.appDocProps = {
    manager: 'Good Manager',
    company: 'Best Company',
    hyperlinkBase: '',
    { name: 'Jane Smith1', value: '1' },
    { name: 'Jane Smith2', value: '2' },

// Get document properties

You can directly modify the core and application properties of the document. The supported attributes are as follows:

interface ICoreDocProps {
    title?: string;
    subject?: string;
    creator?: string;
    keywords?: string;
    description?: string;
    category?: string;
    contentStatus?: string;
    created?: Date;
    lastPrinted?: Date;
    modified?: Date;
    lastModifiedBy?: string;

interface IAppDocProps {
    manager?: string;
    company?: string;
    hyperlinkBase?: string;

You can manipulate the custom properties of a document by using the Custom Property Manager. For example:

const customDocPropsManager = spread.docProps.customDocPropsManager;
    { name: 'name1', value: 'value1' },
    { name: 'name2', value: 'value2' },

customDocPropsManager.add('name3', 'value3');
customDocPropsManager.add('name1', 'value1_modified');
console.log(customDocPropsManager.get('name3')); // 'value3'
console.log(customDocPropsManager.all()); // [ { name: 'name1', value: 'value1_modified' }, { name: 'name3', value: 'value3' } ]
To use the document properties, follow this example: You can directly modify the core and application properties of the document. The supported attributes are as follows: You can manipulate the custom properties of a document by using the Custom Property Manager. For example:
import { sheetJSON } from './utils.js'; var spreadNS = GC.Spread.Sheets; window.onload = function () { const spread = new spreadNS.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 1 }); document.getElementById('open').onclick = function () { const file = document.querySelector('#selectedFile').files[0]; if (!file) { return; } const fileType = getFileType(file); if (fileType === 'xlsx') { spread.import(file, () => { initProductInformationSheet(spread); }); } }; document.getElementById('save').onclick = function () { const sheetIndex = spread.getSheetIndex('Product Information'); if (typeof sheetIndex === 'number' && sheetIndex >= 0) { spread.removeSheet(sheetIndex); } const fileName = 'export.xlsx'; const fileType = GC.Spread.Sheets.FileType.excel; spread.export(function(blob) { saveAs(blob, fileName); }, function() {}, { fileType }); }; }; function initProductInformationSheet(spread) { const docProps = spread.docProps; spread.suspendPaint(); if (docProps) { const newSheet = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet('Product Information'); newSheet.fromJSON(sheetJSON); spread.addSheet(0, newSheet); spread.setActiveSheetIndex(0); const sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); // set document properties sheet.setValue(1, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.title); sheet.setValue(2, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.subject); sheet.setValue(3, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.creator); sheet.setValue(4, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.keywords); sheet.setValue(5, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.description); sheet.setValue(6, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.category); sheet.setValue(7, 1, docProps.coreDocProps && docProps.coreDocProps.contentStatus); sheet.setValue(1, 3, docProps.appDocProps && docProps.appDocProps.manager); sheet.setValue(2, 3, docProps.appDocProps &&; sheet.setValue(3, 3, docProps.appDocProps && docProps.appDocProps.hyperlinkBase); const customDocPropsManager = docProps.customDocPropsManager; if (customDocPropsManager && customDocPropsManager.all()) { customDocPropsManager.all().forEach((prop, index) => { sheet.setValue(index + 1, 4,; sheet.setValue(index + 1, 5, prop.value); }); } } spread.resumePaint(); }; function getFileType (file) { if (!file) { return; } var fileName =; var extensionName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (extensionName === 'xlsx' || extensionName === 'xlsm') { return 'xlsx'; } }
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