Pivot Set Node Value

SpreadJS PivotTables support editing values in the data area. The overwritten value can update the subtotal calculation.

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Pivot Node Info

To edit the value of a PivotTable, the first step is to describe the cell.
We defined an interface called PivotNodeInfo which can describe the field and value info of a pivot table node.

export interface GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo {
    fieldInfos: GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotItemInfo[];
    valueInfo: GC.Pivot.IValueInfo;

export interface GC.Pivot.IValueInfo {
    sourceName: string;
    subtotalType: GC.Pivot.SubtotalType;

// Sample code using IPivotNodeInfo
var nodeInfo = {
    fieldInfos: [
            fieldName: 'Name',
            fieldItem: 'Jordan'
        }, {
            fieldName: 'Date', 
            fieldItem: 'Jan'
    valueInfo: {
        sourceName: "Value",
        subtotalType: GC.Pivot.SubtotalType.sum
pivotTable.setNodeValue(nodeInfo, 100);

Overwrite Value

Overwriting values in a pivot table will cause those values to be updated in the calculation.

This only supports [ sum, count, countNums, max, min ] types to include in calculation. Other types of subtotals will only change that subtotal value

If the overwritten value is a subtotal, its children nodes value will not change and its parent nodes will use its overwritten value to calculate directly, rather than calculating the result of its children nodes.

Updating the source will remove the values that would be set

API List

 * Set overwrite value in the pivot cache.
 * @param {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo} nodeInfo the node info to be set.
 * @param {number} [value] the value set to the node info, if the value is null or undefined, this will remove the node info's value.
setNodeValue(nodeInfo: GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo,  value?: number): void;

 * Compose overwrite info from the sheet row and column.
 * @param {number} row the sheet row of the cell.
 * @param {number} col the sheet column of the cell.
 * @returns {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo} the node info to get.
getNodeInfo(row: number,  col: number): GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo;

 * Get value by the node info.
 * @param {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo} nodeInfo the node info to get.
 * @returns {number} the value of the node info.
getNodeValue (nodeInfo: GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotNodeInfo): number

 * Clear overwrite info list.
clearOverwriteList(): void;

 * Get all overwrite info of the pivot cache.
 * @returns {GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotOverwriteNodeInfo[]} overwrite info list.
getOverwriteList(): GC.Spread.Pivot.IPivotOverwriteNodeInfo[];
Pivot Node Info To edit the value of a PivotTable, the first step is to describe the cell. We defined an interface called PivotNodeInfo which can describe the field and value info of a pivot table node. Overwrite Value Overwriting values in a pivot table will cause those values to be updated in the calculation. This only supports [ sum, count, countNums, max, min ] types to include in calculation. Other types of subtotals will only change that subtotal value If the overwritten value is a subtotal, its children nodes value will not change and its parent nodes will use its overwritten value to calculate directly, rather than calculating the result of its children nodes. Updating the source will remove the values that would be set API List
window.onload = function () { let spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), {sheetCount: 2}); let detailsSpread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("pivot-details"), {sheetCount: 1}); initSpread(spread, detailsSpread); }; function initSpread(spread, detailsSpread) { spread.suspendPaint(); let sheet1 = spread.getSheet(0); let sheet2 = spread.getSheet(1); let table = getDataSource(sheet1, pivotSales); let pivotTable = initPivotTable(sheet2, table.name()); spread.setActiveSheet("PivotTable"); let detailsSheet = detailsSpread.getSheet(0); detailsSheet.name("PivotTable Details"); addEvent(sheet2, detailsSheet, pivotTable, table); spread.resumePaint(); window.sheet = sheet1; window.table = table; window.pt = pivotTable; } function addEvent(sheet2, detailsSheet, pivotTable, table) { detailsSheet.setRowCount(700); detailsSheet.setColumnCount(10); detailsSheet.addSpan(0, 0, 2, 5); let style = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); style.wordWrap = true; detailsSheet.setStyle(0, 0, style); detailsSheet.setValue(0, 0, "In PivotTable of SpreadJS, pivot table show detail will find all merged data in data source"); sheet2.addSpan(0, 0, 2, 5); sheet2.setStyle(0, 0, style); sheet2.setValue(0, 0, "You Can Edit Cell Values in Data Area.\nuncheck the 'Enable Edit Value in Data Area' to close edit ablilty"); sheet2.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.CellClick, (sender, args) => { _getElementById("nodeInfo").innerHTML = ""; updateDetailSheet(detailsSheet, args.row, args.col, pivotTable); }); _getElementById("setNodeValue").addEventListener("click", () => { let value = parseInt(_getElementById("nodeValue").value, 10); let nodeInfo = _getElementById("nodeInfo").innerHTML; if (value !== undefined && value !== null && !isNaN(value) && nodeInfo) { nodeInfo = JSON.parse(nodeInfo); if (nodeInfo) { pivotTable.setNodeValue(nodeInfo, value); } } }); _getElementById("enableDataValueEditing").addEventListener("change", (e) => { pivotTable.options.enableDataValueEditing = !!e.target.checked; }); _getElementById("syncValue").addEventListener("click", (e) => { syncValue(pivotTable, table, sheet2.parent.getSheet(0)) _getElementById("nodeValue").value = ""; updateDetailSheet(detailsSheet, sheet2.getActiveRowIndex(), sheet2.getActiveColumnIndex(), pivotTable); }); } function updateDetailSheet (detailsSheet, row, col, pivotTable) { detailsSheet.suspendPaint(); let dataSource = getPivotDetails(row, col, pivotTable); detailsSheet.tables.remove("details"); if (dataSource) { var table = detailsSheet.tables.add('details', 2, 0, dataSource.length, dataSource[0].length); table.style(GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableThemes["none"]); } detailsSheet.getCell(-1, 0).formatter("YYYY-mm-DD"); detailsSheet.getRange(-1, 4, 0, 2).formatter("$ #,##0"); detailsSheet.setColumnWidth(0, 120); detailsSheet.setArray(2, 0, dataSource); detailsSheet.resumePaint(); } function syncValue (pivotTable, table, sheet) { let list = pivotTable.getOverwriteList(); let tableRange = table.dataRange(); sheet.clearFormula(tableRange.row, 5, tableRange.rowCount, 1, function () {return true}); if (list && list.length > 0) { let columnNames = []; for (let i = tableRange.col; i < tableRange.col + tableRange.colCount; i ++) { columnNames[i] = table.getColumnName(i); } let filter = table.rowFilter(); let compareType = GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.TextCompareType.equalsTo; list.forEach((info) => { let fieldInfos = info.fieldInfos; let details = pivotTable.getPivotDetails(fieldInfos); fieldInfos.forEach((fieldInfo) => { let expected = fieldInfo.fieldItem; let ptField = pivotTable.getField(fieldInfo.fieldName); let fieldType = ptField.dataType; let sourceName = ptField.sourceName; let columnIndex = columnNames.indexOf(sourceName); if (fieldType === GC.Pivot.PivotDataType.date) { for (let i = 1; i < details.length; i ++) { let dateValue = GC.Spread.Sheets.CellTypes.Base.prototype.format(new Date(details[i][columnIndex]), "YYYY-mm-DD"); let condition = new GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.Condition(GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.ConditionType.textCondition, {compareType: compareType, expected: dateValue}); filter.addFilterItem(columnIndex, condition); } } else { filter.addFilterItem(columnIndex, new GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.Condition(GC.Spread.Sheets.ConditionalFormatting.ConditionType.textCondition, {compareType: compareType, expected: expected})); } }); filter.filter(); let valueColIndex = columnNames.indexOf((info.valueInfo.sourceName)); let leftRowIndexes = []; for (let i = tableRange.row; i < tableRange.row + tableRange.rowCount; i ++) { if (!filter.isRowFilteredOut(i)) { leftRowIndexes.push(i); } } let avgValue = info.value / leftRowIndexes.length; for (let i = 0; i < leftRowIndexes.length; i ++) { sheet.setValue(leftRowIndexes[i], valueColIndex, avgValue); } filter.reset(); }) } pivotTable.updateSource(); } function getPivotDetails(row, col, pivotTable) { let pivotInfo = pivotTable.getPivotInfo(row, col), detailsObj = []; if (! pivotInfo || pivotInfo.area !== 4) { return void 0; } let colInfo = pivotInfo.colInfos; let rowInfo = pivotInfo.rowInfos; setDetails(colInfo, detailsObj); setDetails(rowInfo, detailsObj); let dataSource = pivotTable.getPivotDetails(detailsObj); updateNodeInfo(pivotTable, row, col); return dataSource; } function updateNodeInfo (pivotTable, row, col) { let nodeInfo = pivotTable.getNodeInfo(row, col); if (!nodeInfo) { return; } _getElementById("nodeInfo").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(nodeInfo, null, 4); _getElementById("nodeValue").value = pivotTable.getNodeValue(nodeInfo) || ""; _getElementById("enableDataValueEditing").checked = pivotTable.options.enableDataValueEditing; } function setDetails(rowOrColInfo, detailsObj) { if (rowOrColInfo && rowOrColInfo.length > 0) { for (let item of rowOrColInfo) { if (item.isGrandTotal) { break; } detailsObj.push({fieldName: item.fieldName, fieldItem: item.itemName}); } } } function getDataSource(sheet, tableSource) { sheet.name("DataSource"); sheet.setRowCount(117); sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 120); sheet.getCell(-1, 0).formatter("YYYY-mm-DD"); sheet.getRange(-1, 4, 0, 2).formatter("$ #,##0"); let table = sheet.tables.add('table', 0, 0, 117, 6); for (let i = 2; i <= 117; i++) { sheet.setFormula(i - 1, 5, '=D' + i + '*E' + i) } table.style(GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.TableThemes["none"]); sheet.setArray(0, 0, tableSource); return table; } function initPivotTable(sheet, tableName) { sheet.name("PivotTable"); sheet.setRowCount(1000); let option = { showRowHeader: true, showColumnHeader: true, bandRows: true, bandColumns: true, enableDataValueEditing: true }; let pivotTable = sheet.pivotTables.add("pivotTable", tableName, 2, 0, GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableLayoutType.outline, GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableThemes.medium8, option); pivotTable.suspendLayout(); pivotTable.add("salesperson", "Salesperson", GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableFieldType.rowField); pivotTable.add("car", "Cars", GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableFieldType.rowField); let groupInfo = { originFieldName: "date", dateGroups: [ { by: GC.Pivot.DateGroupType.quarters } ] }; pivotTable.group(groupInfo); pivotTable.add("Quarters (date)", "Date", GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableFieldType.columnField); pivotTable.add("total", "Totals", GC.Spread.Pivot.PivotTableFieldType.valueField, GC.Pivot.SubtotalType.sum); let style = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Style(); style.formatter = "$ #,##0"; pivotTable.setStyle({ dataOnly: true }, style); pivotTable.resumeLayout(); pivotTable.autoFitColumn(); return pivotTable; } function _getElementById (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
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