The REDUCE function reduces an array to an accumulated value by applying a LAMBDA to each value and returning the total value in the accumulator.

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=REDUCE(initial_value, array, lambda(accumulator, value))

The REDUCE function syntax has the following arguments and parameters:

  • initial_value
    Sets the starting value for the accumulator.
  • array
    An array to be reduced.
  • lambda
    A LAMBDA that is called to reduce the array. The LAMBDA takes two parameters:
    • accumulator
      The value totaled up and returned as the final result.
    • value
      The calculation applied to each element in the array.


Before using this function, you need to turn on the allowDynamicArray option

var workbook = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"));
workbook.options.allowDynamicArray = true;

Basic Usage

Sum the squared values

sheet.setFormula(0, 0, 'REDUCE(0, A1:C2, LAMBDA(a,b,a+b^2))');
// A1:C2 is      result is
// 1 2 3         91
// 4 5 6         

Count only even values

sheet.setFormula(0, 0, 'REDUCE(0, {24, 100, 97, 12, 37}, LAMBDA(a,n,IF(ISEVEN(n),1+a, a)');
// result is 3  
Syntax The REDUCE function syntax has the following arguments and parameters: initial_value Sets the starting value for the accumulator. array An array to be reduced. lambda A LAMBDA that is called to reduce the array. The LAMBDA takes two parameters: accumulator The value totaled up and returned as the final result. value The calculation applied to each element in the array. Tip Before using this function, you need to turn on the allowDynamicArray option Basic Usage Sum the squared values Count only even values
var data = { values: { 1: { 1: "Examples:" }, 3: { 1: "Example 1: Sum the squared values" }, 4: { 1: "Data:", 5: "Formula:" }, 5: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 5: "Result:" }, 6: { 1: 4, 2: 5, 3: 6 }, 8: { 1: 'Example 2: Create a customized "PRODUCTIF" function to multiply only values greater than 50' }, 9: { 1: "Table2:" }, 10: { 1: "Nums", 5: "Formula:" }, 11: { 1: 24, 5: "Result:" }, 12: { 1: 100 }, 13: { 1: 97 }, 14: { 1: 11 }, 15: { 1: 37 }, 16: { 1: 42 }, 17: { 1: 76 }, 18: { 1: 66 }, 19: { 1: 4 }, 20: { 1: 62 }, 22: { 1: "Example 3: Count only even values" }, 23: { 1: "Table4:" }, 24: { 1: "Nums", 5: "Formula:" }, 25: { 1: 24, 5: "Result:" }, 26: { 1: 100 }, 27: { 1: 97 }, 28: { 1: 11 }, 29: { 1: 37 }, 30: { 1: 42 }, 31: { 1: 76 }, 32: { 1: 66 }, 33: { 1: 4 }, 34: { 1: 62 }, }, formulas: { 4: { 6: "FORMULATEXT(G6)" }, 5: { 6: "REDUCE(,B6:D7,LAMBDA(a,b,a+b^2))" }, 10: { 6: "FORMULATEXT(G12)" }, 11: { 6: "REDUCE(1,Table2[Nums],LAMBDA(a,b,IF(b>50,a+b,a)))" }, 24: { 6: "FORMULATEXT(G26)" }, 25: { 6: "REDUCE(0,Table4[Nums],LAMBDA(a,n,IF(ISEVEN(n),1+a,a)))" }, }, cellStyles: { "B2:C2": 0, "B4:E4": 1, B5: 2, C5: 3, D5: 4, F5: 5, "G5:J5": 6, "B6:D7": 7, F6: 8, G6: 6, "B9:K9": 1, B10: 9, "F11:F12": 8, "G11:L11": 6, G12: 6, "B23:E23": 1, B24: 9, "F25:F26": 8, "G25:L25": 6, G26: 6, }, styles: { records: [ { foreColor: 0, font: 0, border: [null, null, 0] }, { foreColor: 0, font: 1, border: [null, null, 1] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [1, null, 2, 3] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [1, null, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [1, 3, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [3, 2, 3, 3] }, { backColor: 4, foreColor: 3, font: 1, border: [2, 2, 2, 2] }, { backColor: 6, foreColor: 5, border: [2, 2, 2, 2] }, { backColor: 2, foreColor: 1, font: 1, border: [3, 3, 3, 3] }, { foreColor: 0, font: 1 }, ], borders: [ { color: "#accdea", style: 5 }, { color: "#9bc3e6", style: 2 }, { color: "#7f7f7f", style: 1 }, { color: "#9bc3e6", style: 1 }, ], colors: ["#44546a", "#ffffff", "#5b9bd5", "#fa7d00", "#f2f2f2", "#3f3f76", "#ffcc99"], fonts: ["700 17.3px Calibri", "700 14.7px Calibri"], }, others: { columnWidth: { 0: 30 }, rowHeight: { 1: 24, 2: 21, 3: 21, 8: 21, 22: 21 }, spans: ["B5:D5"], tables: [ { name: "Table4", ref: "B25:B35" }, { name: "Table2", ref: "B11:B21" }, ], }, }; window.onload = function () { var workbook = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); workbook.options.allowDynamicArray = true; workbook.suspendPaint(); initSheet1(workbook.getSheet(0)); workbook.resumePaint(); }; function initSheet1(sheet) { setSheetPr(sheet); setCells(sheet); } function setCells(sheet) { foreachObj(data.values, function (r, row) { foreachObj(row, function (c, v) { setValue(sheet, Number(r), Number(c), v); }); }); foreachObj(data.formulas, function (r, row) { foreachObj(row, function (c, v) { setFormula(sheet, Number(r), Number(c), v); }); }); foreachObj(data.cellStyles, function (ref, id) { setStyle(sheet, ref, data.styles.records[id]); }); } function setValue(sheet, r, c, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; sheet.setValue(r, c, v); } function setFormula(sheet, r, c, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; sheet.setFormula(r, c, v); } function setStyle(sheet, ref, v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) return; var styles = data.styles; var range = sheet.getRange(ref); var foreColor = styles.colors[v.foreColor]; var backColor = styles.colors[v.backColor]; var font = styles.fonts[v.font]; var wordWrap = v.wordWrap; if (foreColor) { range.foreColor(foreColor); } if (backColor) { range.backColor(backColor); } if (font) { range.font(font); } if (wordWrap) { range.wordWrap(wordWrap); } var border = v.border || []; var borderTop = styles.borders[border[0]]; var borderRight = styles.borders[border[1]]; var borderBottom = styles.borders[border[2]]; var borderLeft = styles.borders[border[3]]; if (borderTop) { range.borderTop(createLineStyle(borderTop)); } if (borderBottom) { range.borderBottom(createLineStyle(borderBottom)); } if (borderLeft) { range.borderLeft(createLineStyle(borderLeft)); } if (borderRight) { range.borderRight(createLineStyle(borderRight)); } } function setSheetPr(sheet) { // set column width foreachObj(data.others.columnWidth, function (index, v) { sheet.setColumnWidth(Number(index), v); }); // set row height foreachObj(data.others.rowHeight, function (index, v) { sheet.setRowHeight(Number(index), v); }); // set spans var spans = data.others.spans || []; for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { var range = sheet.getRange(spans[i]); sheet.addSpan(range.row, range.col, range.rowCount, range.colCount); } // set tables var tables = data.others.tables || []; for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { var table = tables[i]; var range = sheet.getRange(table.ref); sheet.tables.add(, range.row, range.col, range.rowCount, range.colCount); } } function createLineStyle(v) { return new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder(v.color,; } function foreachObj(obj, func) { if (!obj) return; var keys = Object.keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var v = obj[key]; func(key, v); } }
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