Users can customize the column headers width, caption and style.
A user needs to follow these 3 steps to customize a view for tableSheet:
interface IColumn {
name: string; // the unique name of the column
value?: string; // the value of the column, could be a field name of table from database, or formula which uses the fields names.
caption?: string; // the caption of the column, which is the key of row data
width?: number | string; // the width of the column, support number in pixel, or star size
style?: GC.Data.StyleOptions; // the whole column style
conditionalFormats?: Array<GC.Data.CellValueRuleOptions | GC.Data.SpecificTextRuleOptions | GC.Data.FormulaRuleOptions | GC.Data.DateOccurringRuleOptions | GC.Data. Top10RuleOptions | GC.Data.UniqueRuleOptions | GC.Data.DuplicateRuleOptions | GC.Data.AverageRuleOptions | GC.Data.TwoScaleRuleOptions | GC.Data.ThreeScaleRuleOptions | GC.Data.DataBarRuleOptions | GC.Data.IconSetRuleOptions>;
validator?: GC.Data.NumberValidatorOptions | GC.Data.DateValidatorOptions | GC.Data.TimeValidatorOptions | GC.Data.TextLengthValidatorOptions | GC.Data.FormulaValidatorOptions | GC.Data.FormulaListValidatorOptions | GC.Data.ListValidatorOptions;
isPrimaryKey?: boolean; // mark the column as primary key column
readonly?: boolean; // mark the column is readonly
required?: boolean; // mark the column is required when insert a new row
defaultValue?: any; // provide the default value when insert a new row, could be a const or a formula
headerStyle?: GC.Data.HeaderStyleOptions; // the column header style.
This is the sample code.
//add table
dataManager.addTable("myTable", {
remote: {
read: {
url: ""
// add custom column header style
var headerStyle = {
font: "italic bold 14pt Calibri",
borderTop: {
color: "lightgrey",
style: "thick"
borderLeft: {
color: "lightgrey",
style: "thin"
borderRight: {
color: "lightgrey",
style: "thin"
//add custom view
var myView = orderTable.addView("myView", [
{ value: "orderId", width: 100, headerStyle: headerStyle }, //set column width 100px
{ value: "orderDate", width: 200, headerStyle: headerStyle },
{ value: "freight", width: 100, headerStyle: headerStyle },
{ caption: "CompanyName", value: "customer.companyName", width: "2*", headerStyle: headerStyle }, //set column width with star size, which will calculate actual column width by the rest size of viewport
{ value: "customer.contactName", width: "*", headerStyle: headerStyle },
{ value: "customer.contactTitle", width: "*", headerStyle: headerStyle },
{ value: "=[@]", caption: "Address", width: "3*", headerStyle: headerStyle }
// Set custom view into tableSheet.
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