Copy Paste Excel Style

SpreadJS supports copying styles and spans or images from Excel then pasting to sheets in SpreadJS. You can also copy styles and spans from sheets in SpreadJS and paste to Excel. This makes it easy for users to copy and paste data and styles to/from Excel and Spread without having to import/export entire sheets.

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If you want use this feature, just set the workbook allowCopyPasteExcelStyle option to true. For example:

    workbook.options.allowCopyPasteExcelStyle = true;

Then you can copy the style to or from Excel. The default value is true

Specially, if you want to copy images from Excel then paste to SpreadJS, it is advised that only select one image at a time to copy.

The copyData event argument has been changed from string to Object{text,html} in ClipboardChanging and ClipboardChanged.

The pasteData{text,html,image} event argument has been added to ClipboardPasting and ClipboardPasted.

If you want use this feature, just set the workbook allowCopyPasteExcelStyle option to true. For example: Then you can copy the style to or from Excel. The default value is true Specially, if you want to copy images from Excel then paste to SpreadJS, it is advised that only select one image at a time to copy. The copyData event argument has been changed from string to Object{text,html} in ClipboardChanging and ClipboardChanged. The pasteData{text,html,image} event argument has been added to ClipboardPasting and ClipboardPasted.
window.onload = function () { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss")); initSpread(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); sheet.options.allowCellOverflow = true; sheet.getCell(0, 0).value("Copy the following data then paste to Excel."); loadSaleDataAnalysisTable(sheet, 1, 0, true); spread.resumePaint(); var allowCopyPasteExcelStyle = document.getElementById('allowCopyPasteExcelStyle'); allowCopyPasteExcelStyle.checked=spread.options.allowCopyPasteExcelStyle; allowCopyPasteExcelStyle.addEventListener('change',function () { spread.options.allowCopyPasteExcelStyle = allowCopyPasteExcelStyle.checked; }); } function loadSaleDataAnalysisTable(sheet, startRow, startCol, haveTitle) { var spread = sheet.parent; if (!spread) { return; } spread.suspendPaint(); if (startRow === undefined) { startRow = 0; } if (startCol === undefined) { startCol = 0; } if (sheet.getRowCount(GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport) - startRow < 19 || sheet.getColumnCount(GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea.viewport) - startCol < 10) { return; } spread.options.referenceStyle = GC.Spread.Sheets.ReferenceStyle.r1c1; if (haveTitle) { sheet.addSpan(startRow + 0, startCol + 1, 1, 10); sheet.setRowHeight(startRow + 0, 40); sheet.setValue(startRow + 0, startCol + 1, "Sale Data Analysis"); sheet.getCell(startRow + 0, startCol + 1).font("bold 30px arial"); sheet.getCell(startRow + 0, startCol + 1).vAlign(; } sheet.addSpan(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, 1, 3); sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, "Store"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 1, startCol + 4, 1, 7); sheet.setValue(startRow + 1, startCol + 4, "Goods"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 1, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 1, "Area"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 3, 2, 1); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 3, "ID"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 4, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 4, "Fruits"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 6, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 6, "Vegetables"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 8, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 8, "Foods"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 2, startCol + 10, 2, 1); sheet.setValue(startRow + 2, startCol + 10, "Total"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 1, "State"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 2, "City"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 4, "Grape"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 5, "Apple"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 6, "Potato"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 7, "Tomato"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 8, "Sandwich"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 3, startCol + 9, "Hamburger"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 4, startCol + 1, 7, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 4, startCol + 2, 3, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 7, startCol + 2, 3, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 10, startCol + 2, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 10, startCol + 2, "Sub Total:"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 11, startCol + 1, 7, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 11, startCol + 2, 3, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 14, startCol + 2, 3, 1); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 17, startCol + 2, 1, 2); sheet.setValue(startRow + 17, startCol + 2, "Sub Total:"); sheet.addSpan(startRow + 18, startCol + 1, 1, 3); sheet.setValue(startRow + 18, startCol + 1, "Total:"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 1, "NC"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 2, "Raleigh"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 2, "Charlotte"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 4, startCol + 3, "001"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 5, startCol + 3, "002"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 6, startCol + 3, "003"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 7, startCol + 3, "004"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 8, startCol + 3, "005"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 9, startCol + 3, "006"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 11, startCol + 1, "PA"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 11, startCol + 2, "Philadelphia"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 14, startCol + 2, "Pittsburgh"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 11, startCol + 3, "007"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 12, startCol + 3, "008"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 13, startCol + 3, "009"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 14, startCol + 3, "010"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 15, startCol + 3, "011"); sheet.setValue(startRow + 16, startCol + 3, "012"); for (var i = 4; i < 10; i++) { sheet.setFormula(startRow + 10, startCol + i, "=SUM(R[-6]C:R[-1]C"); sheet.setFormula(startRow + 17, startCol + i, "=SUM(R[-6]C:R[-1]C"); sheet.setFormula(startRow + 18, startCol + i, "=R[-8]C + R[-1]C"); } sheet.setFormula(startRow + 18, startCol + 10, "=R[-8]C + R[-1]C"); for (var i = startRow; i < 14 + startRow; i++) { sheet.setFormula(4 + i, startCol + 10, "=SUM(RC[-6]:RC[-1])"); } sheet.getRange(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, 3, 10).backColor("#D9D9FF"); sheet.getRange(startRow + 4, startCol + 1, 15, 3).backColor("#D9FFD9"); sheet.getRange(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, 3, 10).hAlign(; sheet.getRange(startRow + 1, startCol + 1, 18, 10).setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder("Black", GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.thin), {all: true}); sheet.getRange(startRow + 4, startCol + 4, 3, 6).setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder("Green", GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.dotted), {innerHorizontal: true}); sheet.getRange(startRow + 7, startCol + 4, 3, 6).setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder("Green", GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.dotted), {innerHorizontal: true}); sheet.getRange(startRow + 11, startCol + 4, 3, 6).setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder("Green", GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.dotted), {innerHorizontal: true}); sheet.getRange(startRow + 14, startCol + 4, 3, 6).setBorder(new GC.Spread.Sheets.LineBorder("Green", GC.Spread.Sheets.LineStyle.dotted), {innerHorizontal: true}); fillSampleData(sheet, new GC.Spread.Sheets.Range(startRow + 4, startCol + 4, 6, 6)); fillSampleData(sheet, new GC.Spread.Sheets.Range(startRow + 11, startCol + 4, 6, 6)); function fillSampleData(sheet, range) { for (var i = 0; i < range.rowCount; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < range.colCount; j++) { sheet.setValue(range.row + i, range.col + j, Math.ceil(Math.random() * 300)); } } }; spread.options.referenceStyle = GC.Spread.Sheets.ReferenceStyle.a1; spread.resumePaint(); }
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