
GanttSheets can sort tasks by specific task fields. Try sorting these tasks in the below demo.

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You can sort any field in ascending or descending order.

// sort taskNumber field descending
ganttSheet.project.sort(["taskNumber"], [false]);

Keep Structure

In GanttSheet, we sort the task tree under its original structure, so the relationship between the child task and parent task will not change.

We also support flat sorting, but that will break the tree structure. These actions will be forbidden after the GanttSheet has been flat sorted:

  • collapse/expand outline
  • indent/outdent tasks
  • renumber
// sort taskNumber field descending, not to keep structure
ganttSheet.project.sort(["taskNumber"], [false], false);


After sorting, the taskNumber will changed. If you want to keep the sorted state in your database, you can re-number all of the tasks.

// sort taskNumber field descending, not to keep structure
ganttSheet.project.sort(["taskNumber"], [false], true, true);
Sort You can sort any field in ascending or descending order. Keep Structure In GanttSheet, we sort the task tree under its original structure, so the relationship between the child task and parent task will not change. We also support flat sorting, but that will break the tree structure. These actions will be forbidden after the GanttSheet has been flat sorted: collapse/expand outline indent/outdent tasks renumber Renumber After sorting, the taskNumber will changed. If you want to keep the sorted state in your database, you can re-number all of the tasks.
/*REPLACE_MARKER*/ /*DO NOT DELETE THESE COMMENTS*/ var myTable; var ganttSheet; var sortAscending = true; var sortStructure = true; var sortRenumber = false; window.onload = function() { var spread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook(document.getElementById("ss"), { sheetCount: 0 }); initSpread(spread); initSplitView(spread); }; function initSpread(spread) { spread.suspendPaint(); initDataSource(spread); initGanttSheet(spread); spread.resumePaint(); } function initDataSource(spread) { var tableName = "Gantt_Id"; var baseApiUrl = getBaseApiUrl(); var apiUrl = baseApiUrl + "/" + tableName; var dataManager = spread.dataManager(); myTable = dataManager.addTable("myTable", { batch: true, remote: { read: { url: apiUrl } }, schema: { hierarchy: { type: "Parent", column: "parentId" }, columns: { id: { isPrimaryKey: true }, taskNumber: { dataType: "rowOrder" } } } }); } function initGanttSheet(spread) { ganttSheet = spread.addSheetTab(0, "GanttSheet", GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetType.ganttSheet); var view = myTable.addView("ganttView", [ { value: "taskNumber", caption: "NO.", width: 60 }, { value: "name", caption: "Task Name", width: 200 }, { value: "duration", caption: "Duration", width: 90 }, { value: "predecessors", caption: "Predecessors", width: 120 } ]); view.fetch().then(function() { ganttSheet.bindGanttView(view); }); initSidePanel(ganttSheet); } function initSidePanel(ganttSheet) { var sortFieldItem = document.getElementById("sort-field"); var sortAscendingItem = document.getElementById("sort-ascending"); var sortStructureItem = document.getElementById("sort-structure"); var sortRenumberItem = document.getElementById("sort-renumber"); var sortButton = document.getElementById("sort-action"); sortAscendingItem.addEventListener("click", function() { if (sortAscendingItem.classList.contains("active")) { sortAscendingItem.classList.remove("active"); sortAscending = false; } else { sortAscendingItem.classList.add("active"); sortAscending = true; } }); sortStructureItem.addEventListener("click", function() { if (sortStructureItem.classList.contains("active")) { sortStructureItem.classList.remove("active"); sortStructure = false; if (sortRenumber) { sortRenumberItem.classList.remove("active"); sortRenumber = false; } } else { sortStructureItem.classList.add("active"); sortStructure = true; } }); sortRenumberItem.addEventListener("click", function() { if (sortRenumberItem.classList.contains("active")) { sortRenumberItem.classList.remove("active"); sortRenumber = false; } else { sortRenumberItem.classList.add("active"); sortRenumber = true; if (!sortStructure) { sortStructureItem.classList.add("active"); sortStructure = true; } } }); sortButton.addEventListener("click", function() { var project = ganttSheet.project; var sortField = sortFieldItem.value; project.sort([sortField], [sortAscending], sortStructure, sortRenumber); }); } function getBaseApiUrl() { return window.location.href.match(/http.+spreadjs\/demos\//)[0] + 'server/api'; } function initSplitView(spread) { var host = document.getElementById("split-view"); var content = host.getElementsByClassName("split-content")[0]; var panel = host.getElementsByClassName("split-panel")[0]; new SplitView({ host: host, content: content, panel: panel, refreshContent: function() { spread.refresh(); } }); }
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